Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Behavior updates:

In the 300 gallon the Hoga does chase the largest Petsmart devil that is almost his size pretty badly. It has now also started going at the midas that are getting larger. It really is not even a good regulator just loves to relentlessly nip and chase. Im waiting to see if when the other fish get bigger it will have to back down some because they will fight back a bit... So far the hoga just is not a good fish in this mix. The four others still act as if they are a school with a lot of hanging out together and no real issues among themselves so far. I think Im getting tired of the constant unrest in the 300, pretty sure hoga needs to go.

In the 75 gallon grow out the Hoga is just a filler, I feel like its time to rehome him. The Sagittae are going to be a problem... they constantly bicker and I caught two lip locking this morning. They are not big enough to go into the 300 yet but watching them instigate fights between themselves and the midas, its not looking hopeful thay are 'community' fish. I foresee maybe keeping a solo sagittae for the 75... Or my other Petsmart mutt, lol
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
My Sagittae have been particularly viscous.
I think it comes from them being open water fish as opposed rock dwellers. I believe as open water dwellers they stake a bigger territory claim than other sp. For hunting/breeding rights as there are far fewer fish out in the open water.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Behavior updates:

In the 300 gallon the Hoga does chase the largest Petsmart devil that is almost his size pretty badly. It has now also started going at the midas that are getting larger. It really is not even a good regulator just loves to relentlessly nip and chase. Im waiting to see if when the other fish get bigger it will have to back down some because they will fight back a bit... So far the hoga just is not a good fish in this mix. The four others still act as if they are a school with a lot of hanging out together and no real issues among themselves so far. I think Im getting tired of the constant unrest in the 300, pretty sure hoga needs to go.

In the 75 gallon grow out the Hoga is just a filler, I feel like its time to rehome him. The Sagittae are going to be a problem... they constantly bicker and I caught two lip locking this morning. They are not big enough to go into the 300 yet but watching them instigate fights between themselves and the midas, its not looking hopeful thay are 'community' fish. I foresee maybe keeping a solo sagittae for the 75... Or my other Petsmart mutt, lol
Sounds like you have a potential time bomb...Game of Thrones chapter one coming up. Never had a devil but I've heard endlessly about how they can suddenly 'snap' at a certain size.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
My Sagittae have been particularly viscous.
I think it comes from them being open water fish as opposed rock dwellers. I believe as open water dwellers they stake a bigger territory claim than other sp. For hunting/breeding rights as there are far fewer fish out in the open water.
This is what Im seeing, very viscous behavior including taking on fish bigger than themselves. I actually see the midas back down from them.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
This is what Im seeing, very viscous behavior including taking on fish bigger than themselves. I actually see the midas back down from them.
Yes, for now... I think other members have posted about similar situations. Goes something like this:
Midas/Devil gets pushed around. Midas/Devil goes ham one night and leaves gifts of bones in the morning.
Kind of read that a lot. Maybe one day I'll get a devil but for sure it will be a single in a tank. Don't think I could stand the carnage.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
At that size Casper had killed off one brother and was fighting with his other for dominance in my 125.
Casper left, top and bottom are female, right the brother that got rehomed
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MFK Member
Apr 9, 2013
You may have to go with a solo of one or the other at some point! I prefer it is my Chancho, Pig, enjoying the 180 to himself.

Who knows, that Trimac of yours may end up being top dog when it's all said and done :)
