So its been a year now with the amphilophus project and so far the current stock seems to be doing well in the 300. Aggression is not too bad with the only real issue being one of the fish sits in the corner most times but it is not getting hurt at all.
The big guy, the Petsmart Red Devil at about 10 1/2" at a guess. Its sporting quite the hump right now!
The second Petsmart mutt, nice pattern and size at about 10"... but just wont get its hump. Pretty flat headed still
Sagittae, very slow grower. Its nose spot has faded a bit but still shows through.
The largest true midas, sporting a small hump. It gets bullied into the corner by the big red devil but it is not getting torn up or hurt. It is very subjective to the other male so I think that helps. It eats well and comes out during feeding but the rest of the time its just nose in corner.
The midas above has this sibling. Its my favorite of the true midas that I got. Cant wait for it to develop.