Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Was looking at pics of the Petsmart red devil. Thought I would post them up for a little fun

Acclimation, getting ready to put into my tank.
Awkward teenage stage
Current young adult

The other Petsmart red devil
In the growout tank
Newly introduced to the 300
Currently getting some nice size on it but lack of nuchal hump is a bit disappointing.

Anyway thought it was fun seeing the progress on these guys


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Updates on the growouts in the 75: Had a moment of realization this week on one of the Sagittae... sadly it has a major defect in its facial structure. On one side it looks completely normal but on the other side its cheek looks sunk in, gill sticks out funny and mouth has a offset droop to it, (think stroke victim). It was hard to see it when smaller but now with size its very clear. It appears healthy except for its growth rate being very slow with all the other amphilophus seriously out pacing it. Even the other Sagittae seems to be out growing it now. This one is a runt and deformed. Feel like the humane thing is to put it down.

Trimac update: He was spooking pretty easy for a while there so I found a nice big 3 1/2"+ male convict to put in as a dither/target. All was well during the day with the Trimac visibly upset but not hurting or going at the convict at all, just some pacing back and forth and a little gill flare. In fact he didnt even come close to the convict at all. It looked like the idea was working since the Trimac was not even flinching with activity going on outside the tank. Thought I had found the answer... until later, after lights out that the convict got decimated. Completely descales and tail shredded. I realize the Trimac had the home turf advantage but acted as if the small fish was not a threat so I had high hopes. This really makes me reconsider even trying it in the 300 community, even with it being the only cichlid. I think there would be a killing spree with the balas and bichirs!
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
If your odd sagittae is healthy why not just give him his own little world with harmless dithers that can't take advantage of his deformity? I once had a large guppy (from a big batch) that had an upside down "V" shaped spine. It actually outlived most of its healthy looking siblings. I called it "Vee"(yeah I know not original).

As for the Trimac...aggressive cichlids always do the deed at night. Trust not the 'innocent/afraid' bit. My goons always do stuff when I'm not looking or at night.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Well the newly introduced midas dropped her tube and is a female. Tank is once again not calm with her evil influence on the big male Petsmart Devil, lol. They definitely are not good together. He has zero patience with her and is a lot rougher with her than the other larger female that was in there. time to catch her and get her out of there.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Made a decision about the deformed Sagittae today. I posted it up for free on a local fish forum.

I need to start rehoming fish to make room in the 75g growout. I feel the growth rate in that tank is really slow due to the numbers of fish in there.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Just three amphs in the 300 at the moment and its fairly calm and peaceful. The dominant male Petsmart Devils will chase the the true midas male but no nipped fins or anything overly aggressive. The enigma is the white/orange Petsmart devil. It is treated like it does not exist. no chase or anything. It also still has not developed much of a nuchal hump either. If it were female I would think there would have been some breeding attempts. I feel that it is a slow developing male at this point.
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