Identify Red Bellied Pacu from a Red Bellied Piranha

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dude don't joke i mean pacu must be the ****ing *** of alll piranhas ,.,no harm i mean they look bad .,.and it is nott hard 2 id or c the difference from a red-belly and a pacu .,..,.,rock on get rid of em .,.,.
Awesome pics..its all about the lower jaw structure..Oh ya and some big teeth
gold spangles are a dead give away.gaw and teeth are the next.

look close be for you buy.
there both amazing fish i have 3 red belly piranhas of my own and they look just like my friends 2 red belly pacu the only ways i knew they were different is because pacu grow like 20 times faster than piranhas lol
"pacus can be as cheap as 8 bucks at petsmart um and they get to be over 30 inches"

i wish the woman at the damn store told me that, oh they get about 6 - 10 inchs. haha pfft, i learned READ READ READ b4 buying any fish 99% of the time ppl at petsmart know nothing. pacu are eating machines and they grow massive, should not be in the aqurium trade! i just sold mine to a man with a 75 gallon tank for 15$ i bought them for 12$. . . i am sure about 1.5 - 2 months he will be selling those fish or even donating them to a aquarium.

"there both amazing fish i have 3 red belly piranhas of my own and they look just like my friends 2 red belly pacu the only ways i knew they were different is because pacu grow like 20 times faster than piranhas lol"

i got rid of them buddy, i dont have them anymore, and the size isnt the only reason u knew! i showed u the lower jaw at the pet store when we went once, piranha jaws go out more and pacu dont.
Their eyes are somehow different too. I can't explain it.

Also, the Pacu's mouth looks like a chubby cheeked kid smiling....:DThat's how I can tell the difference!!
_Sushi_;1058351; said:
Their eyes are somehow different too. I can't explain it.

Also, the Pacu's mouth looks like a chubby cheeked kid smiling....:DThat's how I can tell the difference!!

:D You know it's true!! It looks even funnier in person!!