Identify Red Bellied Pacu from a Red Bellied Piranha

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Pacu Face
The advice I always gave on how to tell pacu from piranha was to stick a finger in it's mouth. If it comes out sliced it is a piranha, if it comes out mashed it is a pacu, If it comes out missing...,try again.
LOL!! I'd only tell that one to people dumb enough to try it!!

{BTW, I have a cat that has thumbs, so LOOK OUT WORLD}
I bought 4 baby Red belly Pacus thinking they were Piranhas, man was I fooled!!! Now they are each about 25cm and growing like crazy.
wow great job done there brilliant explanation.
hi all im new to this but i have a piranha he was feedin fine up2 a couple of wks ago but now he just lays in bottom of his tank wont eat the fish we put in and he also got a growth like spot above his lip but had that when i got him and was told it would drop off as he got older but looks to me like its getting bigger any advise welcome thx