Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo's too easy for you two huh... :thumbsup:


Walleye....notice the bottom tip of tail

For those who don't know the Sauger is a cousin of the walleye but does not nearly get as large as the walleye. Some of you guys that want to keep walleyes as pets might want to consider a sauger since they will not grow too big like a walleye. I'm not exactly sure but I can try to find out. We went fishing in a river last summer and caught many saugers and walleye, they all live togeather. I wonder if they can ever breed since they are so close??? :screwy:
Yes, they can breed. I don't know how often it happens in the wild but hatcherys breed them and release them. They are called saugeyes.
:D Hey Gamefishin!! You Got me good!! Did you ever hear of a bleue colored Walleye?? Next time im in minnesota ill by Ya dinner!! hehe! :D
Nope never heard of a Blue walleye before but I was watching the fishing channel on cable and they were catching some monster walleyes in Lake Erie and it was a different color. Most walleyes I see are dark green with stripe patterns. Well these were a very light green color, maybe almost blue but they were huge. I didn't even know that walleyes can get that fat because most I see are kind of slim.

Dam Lake Erie, isn't that lake all polluted and nasty.....or was that back in the 50-60's :screwy:

Anyways yeah a few years ago we were catching saugers a lot and would think that they were walleyes. I just learn the difference a few years ago too.
Also I just heard not too long ago that there we some restuarant here in the Twin Cities that got busted for selling walleyes that weren't walleyes. There were a few gourmet/fancy/expensive restuarants too that were involve. You guys think they were cooking sauger and sell it as walleyes. I bet they taste the same too especially after it's all deep fried and crispy and golden and ................ :drool: :drool: :drool: Man I getting hungry.
Bluntface shiner, Cyprinella camura?