Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ahhh i cant remember the name of that one, im pretty sure i have one in my tank though, caught him in a a big stream or creek or something.....hes pretty cool
sandtiger said:
Teleost got it...striped shiner.

Hey teleost...were you a member of the NAFF forum?

I don't think so but I'm not sure what NAFF is.

Sorry for the delay but here goes.


This one might take some time.

NAFF was a forum for native fishkeepers that died out due to lack of interest. NAFF stands for North American Fish Fanatics. There was a member with the SN teleost.
how about the blackspotted topminnow? (Fundulus olivaceus)?

Guppy is correct!

Sandtiger: I'm not the same person. But I am a native fish fanatic.
This one gets to 10"

Bingo, way to go Sandtiger.