Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Heck, I am answering this one, cause I have a fish to post. E spectabile
Skipjack;1021210; said:
Heck, I am answering this one, cause I have a fish to post. E spectabile

What's the common name on that one?
Skipjack is right! And the secret to distinguish between E. spectabile (orangethroat darter) and E. caeruleum (rainbow darter) is the anal fin as Skipjack said. Spectabile have a one color anal fin (blue-green in this area) and Caeruleum have a two color anal fin (blue-green & orange).

The nape also is a bit different between the two but the anal fin is a dead giveaway.

Your turn Skipster ;)

Teleost your always picking fish from my localities of study ...makes it hard to be fair and even

Poly, I'm always showing you the photos I take before I post anyway:D

I make it impossible for a few of you to participate!
Crap, that would have been my next guess. Too much color for an E. Exile.
caught this one in a riffle, it is about 1.5 inches long. From Ohio

Polypterus;1023148; said:
Teleost.....Oops Skipjack.... your always picking fish from my localities of study ...makes it hard to be fair and even :)

Same story, not a photo I have, have you not seen. But anyway most would be easy enough for you to ID anyway.

Anyone else. Ohio only has so many catfish. And in a riffle......