I'm done screwin with this !!!


MFK Member
^ I just moved the tank, i figured it was a good idea to leav the filters dirty, and i kept about 20 gallons of their watter for transportation. when we moved it and filled up and floated the fish everything was fine. i used tap water and a hose and pur additive and stresszyme. it was over a week ago, now the tank has gotten cloudy again.

i have the fx5 outlet on the bottom like a spray bar for dead spots, and one ac70/300 to airate. so filtration isnt the problem, so with wolf's answer its bacteria bloom or dissolved gasses ??? it almost looks like greenish algea but its not near a window.

im not going to mess with it, seeing as how last time it was cloudy for over 2 weeks and didnt harm the fish.

ill post pics later when i go look at the tank. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95895&page=6

So possible answers are -

1. wait it out
2. bacteria bloom and do what ???
3. dissolved gases and ddo what ???
4. could it be the tap water ? i think i might have it tested?

thanks for all the advise althou i dont always listen in my stubbornness I do appreciate and acknoledge your experience..


MFK Member
in the first pic on the link, the fx5 outlet is in the corner where the 2 90degree nozzles keep anything from settling on the bottom i can see flake food and feeder scales get blown around until they eventually go in one of the filters.

this is a good thing right ?? keeping crap out of the subtrate so the microbes can live and i dont have to disturbe them by vacuuming the floor?

Im just worried, the tank is at a co-workers house to fish sit for me for a few month while i go out of town for work in 5 days, and then buy a house.

I just want to buy whatever they might need now, and leav it with them.

or is this really just part of a new tank. bfor this i had a 55 and a 75 and a 60 corner and plenty of 30g and smaller tanks years ago and dont recall the water getting this cloudy ever !!!


MFK Member
I had the water tested, It was perfect !!!


but the tank is in a dark corner, no sunlight, and not even using the lights all day.

the algea destroyer didnt work, iv used it as recommended for a week and a half.

im thinking a UV steralizer may help

I also used the polyester filter fiber (i know it clogs fast) in all the compartments of the FX5, and I took out all the Carbon, because it may have been absorbing the algea destroyer chemical.

I CANT EVEN SEE PAST 3" INTO THE TANK so i have no idea if the fish are being affected by any of this ???


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2005
Richmond, VA
FisHaRNekEd;1396373; said:
I had the water tested, It was perfect !!!


but the tank is in a dark corner, no sunlight, and not even using the lights all day.

the algea destroyer didnt work, iv used it as recommended for a week and a half.

im thinking a UV steralizer may help

I also used the polyester filter fiber (i know it clogs fast) in all the compartments of the FX5, and I took out all the Carbon, because it may have been absorbing the algea destroyer chemical.

I CANT EVEN SEE PAST 3" INTO THE TANK so i have no idea if the fish are being affected by any of this ???
You aren't allowing your filters to properly cycle. All the cleaning and changing of the media isn't allowing the colony of BB to establish itself. On top of that, adding that many fish to a new tank so quickly (2 months is still a VERY NEW tank) basically is leaving you paddling against the current.

If you have two AC70s and a FX-5, here's what I'd do: Use the FX-5 for purely mechanical filtration using regular filter pads, not the poly stuff that clogs fast. Use one sponge and two packs of bio material in each of the ACs, your ACs will house the bio load. After that, don't touch the ACs for at least another 6 to 8 weeks. If you want to keep cleaning out the FX-5, go ahead, but that won't do anything to clear the hazy water. Don't use any carbon either, you don't need that unless you want to remove chemicals or meds from the tank. Carbon is stupid and I have no idea why it comes standard with most filter packages.

Time and patience will clear the water faster than anything else....


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 4, 2006
Daytona Beach, Florida


MFK Member
elevate this- thanks, I tested the water again, and no signs of any unwanted chemicals at all, except- phosphates ! they are way high, here is why- I used a chem to bring down the ph, which apparently uses phosphates at the buffer or something like that. So by bringing down the ph I fed the ALgea.

I know high volume water changes is bad, but im gonna have to change atleast 50% becaues i cant even see my fish at all.
The two smaller convicts were mamed and killed yesterday, they always got away from the TX chiclids, but in the dark water they didnt see it coming!
after i change the water, im gonna add the algeafix, do what you said with the AC, add phoszorbe and some other chem sorb packs (not carbon) A reliable sourse in the LFS said nothing i bought this time will sorb the algeafix.

i know it sounds like alot of fish but i bought them all at 1" so at the time the 1" per gallon rule was no where near it, and like i said no other chems are high. Isnt the gravel also house the BB, I havnt messed with the gravel ???

troubleshooting again...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 14, 2005
Richmond, VA
Honestly bro, I would stop using any chemicals except a dechlorinator for any new water you put in.

Rather than treating the symptoms with chemicals, just wait it out so the root problem works itself out. You are really making it harder on yourself than it needs to be. Stop using the ph buffer, chem sorb, all of that, and just let the tank run.

As far as BB being in the gravel, sure it is there, but colonizes a lot more in your filter media...in your filter, there is a constant stream of waste and oxygen rich water and is where your BB live...think of your tank as your fish's home and your filter as your bio-filter's home. Every time you tear down your filter, its like starting all over again.

The white cloudiness should go away in a week or two if you just let it run...


MFK Member
No, no, not white cloudyness, like i said BRIGHT green !! several resources have told me to get rid of the algea i have to treat it. I ignored them , untill the algea got sooooo thick !! I waited out the original new tank cloudyness. But iv been told you cant wait out algeabloom.

I know what your saying, but i dont think its any "new tank" problems, all other tested chemicals are at 0.

Im just confused at how this algea is growing so well, its nowhere near a window ! only chem im adding is algeafix, the chemsorb things are filtermedia type things, spacificly for phosphates (to get rid of the fertilizer for the algea)

thanks again, and ill try to take a pic so you can see the "neon swamp" the pics on the first page are a month or 2 old, that was a different problem that is now over.

the reason im so concerned is because the tank is at a friends house to fish sit while i leave town for 3 months. and i dont want them to have to deal with the algea while i am gone.