Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Should have some pics of our mobas soon they are nicely settled now and are even growing great looking fish.
i have burundi colony, this summer thy start breeding, 3 male 10 female, but only one large males is breeding, and one of the female not sure wich one but spawn had 7 stripes fry , some stripes r kinda bad but some of them clear 7, thy r still so little will add pictures later on , even i have one fry from another spawn its short body and had 5 stripes only, he/she looks like parrot fish , fat short body
Hi guys, I am new at this forum. Does anyone know if this Front that I have is a hybrid or freak of nature (odd ball)?

Just to share everyone here. Here is a Red Frontosa that was on sale on one of local website in my country. The seller cancelled the sale after uploaded it for a few days. I assumed someone bought it. It was selling for Ringgit Malaysia 350 (about US$116). He described it as 7 inches Red Frontosa.

I think the color is quite nice..but those stripes are not very vivid.

RickOoi> your frontosa is a hybrid or inbred to get 'mooning' stripes like that. looks mostly kigoma. I wouldn't use him for any breeding.
Thanks Crispy for your advices, no worries, I am not planning to breed my Fronts as I don't have the space for anymore fish. I have 2 adults and 1 baby Fronts in my 4 feet tank. I love Fronts, they are such angels, always floating mid-'air', brings lot of joy and happiness to me when I watch them.
Hi All,
Great post, good job on bringing a large body of info together.
Not sure if i should start a seperate post for this, but was wondering what (if any) would make good tank mates for Fronts?
Could you have some Cyprichromis Leptosoma with them ?
Or would they become dinner?

Thanks in advance.