Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
2011-06-03_09-58-04_598.jpg2011-06-03_09-56-44_910.jpg2011-06-03_09-56-12_340.jpg2011-06-03_09-55-49_826.jpg2011-06-03_09-55-23_474.jpgso i ordered these guys with the intentions of breeding them, 1 male and 3 female. I think though after reading this that i have a couple different types, what to you guys think? i think the one in the second pic is possibly a blue zaire





About ten years ago I crossed paths with what was called a "Purple Haze" Frontosa. The LFS had about a 6incher that was most likely male for around 300.00. Needless to say I fell in love with the fish and bit the bullet and bought it (oh to be young again and have tons of disposable income LOL). Sadly three days later it jumped and died. :(

The coloration of the fish was a dark purple replacing the blue and white of more normal frontosa, and it had six black bars. I also think it had a mask instead of the black bar on its face.

What I was wondering is what was this frontosa and if it was being bred regularly or if this one was once in a lifetime fish.
there is a fish store in gulfport mississippi that has a "front" ( by what you all are saying it might not be) But he wants $575 for it and my wife really want one so how do you really tell if it is or is not email me if you can
All great additions..keep them coming..
Let's re-stimulate this thread again........
I've been keeping frontosa for almost 3 yrs and I did lots of research before jump into the hobby. So I'm not saying that I am an expert because I am still learning, but here's my .02
theippster1 - From the pics they look like burundi, and when you purchased them the seller told you that it was 1M 3F? IMO the guy is full of it, you can't sex frontosa at that size. Even most of the expert I know are having a hard time sometime to sex them @ 5' (except if they laid egg before, which not always happen on fronts @ this size)
AudriSampson - as the dude with the tie said, it's zaire. And there are several type of zaire, for instance: moba (the most popular one), Kitumba, Mpimbwe, etc. If the seller referred it as 'purple haze' I am 95% confident it's Kitumba. When Kitumba first to the US, people are amazed by their coloration, more purplish instead of blue. Therefore, they referred this fish as purple frontosa. And yes they are beautiful because I am keeping wild caught colony of Kitumba myself :)
Dragonblood - Your front is the burundi

I am not sure if someone already uploaded Frontosa map in this thread or not, if not let me know I'll be more than happy to share the info and pics with other MFKers