Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Look like mpimbwe to me

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hard to say, but they are definitely Tanzanian. i would actually guess Bismark by the mask, but they very well could be Mpimbwe.
I have a front with 6 strips on one side and 7 strips on the other. I bought him as a Kigoma but I think he might be a hybrid. I'll post pics shortly.
Maybe a dumb question but alot of the pics of mpimbwes look a lot like ziares is this common. We have what are to be wc and f1 mpimbwe but they look like our kapampas.
I am trying to go by the mask is this the correct way to try and identify these 2 variants. We have another large group of fronts that were supposed to be mpimbwes but I swear they are some form of ziare. Could really use some help here I will try and get some pics.
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I picked up 7 of these guys for $30 about 3 years ago. I have no idea what kind they are. Mabey you guys could ID them?
