Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I think we might be moving the kigoma's as we have to a guy in Milwaukee who wants them. We were trying to find out what they exactly were, and if they were more of a harder to find strain...apparently not
I have a chance to buy a couple blue Zaire today there between 1"-2". Can anyone tell me how much they usually cost at this size, Im new to African cichlids, I've had Oscar's and convicts for about a year.
How do I or where can I get one

ask your fish store to order you some and check out the buy and sell classified ads here on mfk.. also keep in mind frontosa like to be in a colony to thrive.. so at least 3 or 4 fish... learn all about them before you purchase so you know how to take care of them... good luck..
I think he`s a Kapampa-

does anyone agree ?

Aside from coloring differences with each variant, is there any reliable differences in sizes of the nuchal humps?

the nuchal hump really is a signal of maturity and age and not the specific breed.. although each breeds nuchal hump may also be a variation it is too irrelevant to notice ..The hump on the head of the frontosa is actually an extension of the dorsal muscle. While there is no doubt that large older dominant males can have enormous humps, it is by no means a definite indicator of sex. I have seen females with large humps many would swear are males. I have also seen males that have a hardly any hump at all, many times there were subdominant males. All adult frontosas have a hump to some degree.