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Inline filter


MFK Member
Can I use an inline garden hose filter and go straight into my tank for water changes?
I was wanting to set up an automatic water change system.
It is on Amazon called

"Garden Hose Filter - Removes Chlorine, Chloramines, VOCs, & Pesticides/Herbicides"
If you are looking for a continuous system, I would be concerned about how long that filter would last. You dont want the media in that filter to get full one day and start dumping straight tap water in the tank without you knowing. Not to mention the product says not designed for fish tanks or ponds... If you just want easier water changes, I use a python water changer.
I saw a couple of YouTube vids and they use the house filters. I have two housings somewhere. I think that would be better.
I was going to put it in a daily timer and restrict the flow to a trickle so it only adds about 5 gallons per day. I will install an overflow siphon that will run out to the garden :)
That is the plan so far.
I was thinking about just using a garden hose timer.
I'm looking to set up something like this for my new system which has the tank indoors and the sump outdoors.

But I my system I think I'm going to have to change a lot more than 5 gallons a day running a 125 with 85 gallons of sump.

This will hold about 180 gallons of water and so I will be dripping about 20 gallons a day.

I've never even looked at one of these systems so I am not sure what to expect.
Here is a graphic showing what I am planning. It could easily go to a sump. I just do not want to drill this tank yet.

Auto Water Change 1.jpg

Auto Water Change 2.jpg
You're going to need a weir inside of the tank to set the water level.

Height of the tee sets the "fall" between the weir level and the Overflow level.

If you're siphon extends all the way to the bottom of the tank without a weir you will simply drain your tank onto the ground.
The white PVC tube inside the tank is my weir, and you cut it to approx your desired water depth. I cut mine a little short and then I have a foot on the bottom of the tube which I can use to weight it down in the tank.

These things will float up if you don't anchor them or something.

You can also it permanently attach it to the outside overflow and I have systems that do that.

How I actually set my height is I stuff a little gravel under the foot until I get exactly what I want and then put a couple rocks on top of the foot to hold everything in place.
This tank has the same arrangement with the PVC tube and a foot weighted down by rocks.

In this one the weir is clear abs tube from a gravel vac, with a white cap.

It doesn't go to the bottom with a foot but instead it hangs off the overflow with the plastic strap and zip ties.

Since the top extends above the water level the clear tube has about a hundred holes drilled in it for the water. The lowest whole you drill determines your water level once the pump shuts down
On this one the weir is suspended without a foot and I connected it to the Overflow using two T fittings, which I then shaved off on the top.
