What's up with tilapia? Hybridizing like mad?
(I remember when tilapia filets hit the supermarket.
It was never seen here before maybe 2004?)
Now I have a friend with 2 acres and a bunch of old bath tubs who wants to set up big this aquaponics rig with tilapia.
Somehow I really expect it to turn out more like Dave's Fish Rescue rather than produce serious food, but tilapia? They must like the summer heat, because we have 3 mos in the hi-90s ~ lo-100s here in the SSJV.
I started seeing Mozambique Tilapines back in the 60s and 70s, I got my first ones around 63.
Starting a new thread about the Tilapia branch of this thread......
Buying Mozambique Tilapia by the pound