Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
what size do u have frontosa on your program? and i appreciate the effort u did to put a program like this together, it give some people an idea even tho its not 100% accurate all the time
knifegill;3738757; said:
Unfortunately, this list came from wikipedia. I'd use profiles from a variety of sources to determine average adult size and ranges for these fish.

Thanks - will look into them. I believe some of them are already on the list.
Lepisosteus platyrhincus;3738526; said:
lol. u need to add the rest of the gar. all u have is spotted which almost no one has(very rare in the hobby) i have 4 gar and used the spotteds in place. it says there arnt sutible of my tank. lol.
just for ur records if u choose to add them.
florida gar about 24" max captivity (all these are captive maxs and only about not exact)
spotted gar about 24"
shortnose 20"
longnose 36"
alligator gar 5'
cuban i think around 2 or 3 feet but im not sure on that one(never had the privledge of owning one)
tropical gar 24"
these are captive maxs but most captive fish will not reach these sizes for a long time if ever. so my 125g may work forever on my gar. maybe not but it might. just letting u know.

Thanks - will look into those.

ps ur temps are also off. it says 53 to 68 degress farenheit. while they can live in these temps they also can live very comfortably in a warmer tank. they grow fast in warmer water. i keep my in 80 degree water.

Let me re-check this. Thanks.
MeiTnerium109;3738798; said:
9in is definitely more common (but 12 is possible), plus, their bodies are quite elastic.

I'd like to keep values that are more common in aquariums rather than in the wild. So 9 is more realistic?
Stump;3738850; said:
12", while rare, isn't unheard of. I have seen even 15" specimens.

But, with polypterus species, unlike most fish they have very flexible bodies which allows them to maneuver quite easily through most spaces. I have a 9-10" sen in my 55g right now, along with three other 6-8" sens, and I must say that even if they grew to a foot, they would not be too big for the tank.

I see. So it sounds like 12 inches is ok but it can live in a tank that is 12 inches deep.

Could you please add Polypterus bichir lapradei to the list?

Sure thing. :)
skeeb211;3738913; said:
hi it says that my oscars will become aggresive when they try to breed. they are 2 males and i dont think thats possible :). also i was thinking u should maybe add a rating level for aggression in a tank. such as dominant fish, and so on in the tanks hierarchy.thx.

The app does assume if you have more than 1, it will try to form as many pairs as possible. It is possible to represent two different genders of Oscars - similar to what I did for Bettas.

Haha that's an interesting idea. Need to think through this a bit more though.
knifegill;3738953; said:
Oh, gosh. To consider all possible compatibility issues is a daunting challenge. I wish you the best and remind all to accept that to know the page you created will be be useful as part of a balanced plan and not as the end-all stocking guide. The task you have accepted is a challenge few would consider.

Yes, I did realize it would be a daunting task when I started this project. I knew it will be a project that will last years rather than months. Most people initially did challenge me that this is not possible to build but I think it is feasible - just that it is a lot of work.

And I do agree 100% that this is not end-all stocking guide. It should be used more as a brain storming tool that will trigger more discussions on the forums, which I can see is happening already. :D
Stump;3738962; said:
It really is a cool site. A great concept and a fairly easy to use interface.

I think with small recommendations here and there, and some small tweaks, it will be golden.

I hope so! :D
fishbum;3739955; said:
Only changing 6% of the water weekly is not even close to being enough.
And that tank is 100% stocked.

Wait for a week or so. I am about to re-update bioload factors for most of the large cichlids. It appears that I have grossly underestimated their bioloads for large cichlids. Currently, I have done detailed research and tuned it for firehorn. It seems to be ok according to users. I am going to use this as a base for the rest of the new world cichlids.