Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
bass_cats;3751865; said:
I would like to see more native catfish, sturgeon and bass. Also peacock bass would be a good addittion since most people with large tanks keep them. It gave me a whole list of warnings for my 125g growout tank. Good thing I'm building a 720g next winter.

Not sure what those native fishes are - do you have any scientific names for those? I've noted down peacock bass.

What is the dimension of that 720g? Or is that your own custom setup? I am having a hard time finding common dimensions for 300g+ tanks.
MonsterMinis;3751884; said:
You've got fire eels listed as needing a min size somewhere between a 55 and 75 gallon... You're talking a fish that may get in captivity in the 36" plus range. Most would say a 125 is even to small for a smaller adult of these fish. Tire Tracks also get just as large.

Currently, it is marked as 26 inches. Minimum footprint of 48x18 (currently set) is obviously wrong. So what would you suggest - if 72x18 is too small, 84x24?

Interesting app to play with =) not sure if I missed it.. but I'd also suggest there being a min 15% cap on water changes... 6% a week even on an understocked tank is very easy to confuse particularly newer people to the hobby. maybe having a " Bi-weekly 20% water change" to any tank stocking that falls below a 15% weekly WC suggestion?

That is a good point. Currently, WC volume is calculated based on the total bioload of each species in the tank, but I have an attribute for each species that allows me to artificially boost their WC requirement to a higher level (due to sensitivity or other reasons) beyond what it would require just based on bioloads. So in this case, is the eel more sensitive or you are suggesting that 6% is too low regardless?
What's new for 2010 01 03 build:

- Added Port/Black Acara.
- Added Mayan Cichlid.
- Added Pastel Cichlid (Amphilophus Alfari).
- Added Polypterus Bichir Lapradei.
- Added Australian Pearl Arowana (Scleropages jardinii).
- Added Pink Tailed Chalceus (Chalceus macrolepidotus).
- Added Cigar Shark (Leptobarbus hoevenii).
- Added Red Bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri).
- Added Dalmatian Molly.
- Added Rubbernose/Bulldog Pleco.
- Added Metriaclima estherae.
- Added Pseudotropheus flavus.
- Added Zebra Spiny Eel.
- Fixed common name for Tire Track Eel.
- Reduced minimum tank size for Midas to 48x18 inch.
- Reduced minimum tank size for Blue Gourami. It should now be ok in a 36g bowfront tank.
- Removed driftwood requirement for Chocolate Zebra Pleco L270.
- All Neocaridina species have been marked as interbreedable to each other.
- When a species too large for a given tank is selected, size is also displayed.
- Bioload for Firemouth has been increased.
- Bioload for Texas Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Red Devil Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Severum has been increased. Size has also been increased to 12 inches. Minimum tank size has been increased to 48x18.
- Bioload for Convict Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Jack Dempsey has been increased.
- Bioload for Salvini Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Oscar has been increased.
- Bioload for Blood Parrot has been increased.
- Bioload for Chao Phraya Giant Catfish has been increased.
- Bioload for Red Tailed Catfish has been increased.
- All bettas are marked as potential MTS eaters.
- Re-marked Pseudotropheus Estherae as an alias to Maylandia estherae.
- Minimum tank size of Fire Eel has been increased to 72x18.
- Increased upper cap for total bioload from 1000% to 5000%.
- Fixed a bug: Equal temperature ranges were being displayed for all species when temperature incompatibility was detected. Now correct (and independent) temperature ranges for each species are displayed.
- Fixed a bug: For very small aquariums (less than 2.5g), some stocking levels weren't reporting correct levels.
- Added Eheim 2262 filter.
- Added Azoo Oxygen sponge series filters.
- Added 240g and 300g tanks (both 8ft).
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 60.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 187.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 506.

Requester - could not find scientific name for Xingu Pike - please send it to me.

Once again, I am way behind on adding new species. Please be patient with me. :)

To access the site, please clink on AqAdvisor link.
TTTT;3752978; said:
You should make this an iPhone/iPod touch app!

Unfortunately, I have HTC Hero so most likely, Android app will appear first if I ever get to that route... :D
TTTT;3753017; said:
oh, well just saying, if you made it an iPod app I'd buy it!

Oh if I ever end up going the path of building apps for phones, iPhone/iPod will be on that list for sure... :) Most likely iPhone and Android.