What's new for 2010 01 10 build:
- Added Black Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Brown Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Yellow Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Channel Catfish.
- Added White/Pacific Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus).
- Added Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus).
- Added Largemouth/Bigmouth/Black/Florida Bass.
- Added Smallmouth Bass.
- Added Aequidens diadema.
- Added Aequidens metae.
- Added Aequidens sp. Jennaro Herrera.
- Added Aequidens sp. Atabapo.
- Added Andinoacara stalsbergi.
- Added Andinoacara sp. Gold Saum.
- Added Andinoacara pulcher.
- Added Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata).
- Added African Leaf Fish/Spotted Climbing Perch/Leopard Gourami (Ctenopoma acutirostre).
- Added South American Leaf Fish/Amazon Leaf Fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus).
- Added Bucktoothed Tetra (Exodon paradoxus).
- Added Hujeta Gar/Freshwater Barracuda/Slant Nose Gar (Ctenolucius hujeta).
- Added Leopardfish/Dusky Millions Fish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus).
- Added Striped Glass Catfish/False Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus macrocephalus).
- Added Angelicus Botia as an alias to Angelicus Loach.
- Added Yellow Perch.
- Fixed common name for Alligator Gar. Increased size to 5 feet. Also increased aggression.
- Added note to Tropheus Duboisi that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added note to Tropheus Moorii that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added notes to Hillstream Loach about waterflow and oxygen requirements.
- Red Tailed Black Sharks and Rainbow Sharks are marked as incompatible due to aggression to each other.
- Set max number of Red Tailed Black Sharks to 1.
- Set max number of Rainbow Sharks to 1.
- Aggression for both sharks towards other species have been reduced.
- Reduced size of Tropical Gar to 24 inches.
- Fixed a bug: Both pH and Hardness ranges for each species weren't correctly shown when conflicts are found. This has been fixed.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Tang species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Victoria species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Malawi species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Added a warning if Lake Malawi species are mixed with other species, including mbuna species.
- Added Jebo 810/819 filters.
- Added Penn Plax Cascase series power filters.
- Added Fluval xx3 series canister filters.
- Added Fluval xx4 series canister filters.
- Added Eheim Liberty filters.
- Added Skilter 250/400 filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 213.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 599.
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