Is your tank overstocked, are you setting up a tank, check this out everybody!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Lepisosteus platyrhincus;3766483; said:
thanks. just a few issues still. lol
1 still no size for gator gar. the max size for gator gar in captivity is about 5'
2 tropical gar max captivity size is only 24" not 36"

thanks man!

1. What do you mean there is no size?

2. Ok, I'll fix that. Thanks.
i mean when i add it too my tank it gives no warnings. they grow to 5 feet yet it offers no warning about not being able to be with smaller fish and vise versa. it also offers no warning about it out growing a 18" wide tank.
Lepisosteus platyrhincus;3767206; said:
i mean when i add it too my tank it gives no warnings. they grow to 5 feet yet it offers no warning about not being able to be with smaller fish and vise versa. it also offers no warning about it out growing a 18" wide tank.

I must have the wrong species in that case. The source I looked at says it only grows to 5 inches - that's probably why you are not seeing those warnings....
yeah gator gar is one of the largest fresh water fish. wild gator gar grow 10 feet. captive gators up to 5 feet.
they are also highly aggessive.
Lepisosteus platyrhincus;3767268; said:
yeah gator gar is one of the largest fresh water fish. wild gator gar grow 10 feet. captive gators up to 5 feet.
they are also highly aggessive.

LOL I think I must have read feet as inches... :D

Should I fix it? :D
1 jag 1 gt 1 up side down catfish in a 150 with 2 ac 110s

Warning: At least 3 x Upside Down Catfish are recommended in a group.
Warning: When Jaguar Cichlid starts to breed, they may become too aggressive to co-exist with Upside Down Catfish.
Warning: When Green Terror starts to breed, they may become too aggressive to co-exist with Upside Down Catfish.

Warning: Water temperature requirements are not fully compatible between all selected species.
[SIZE=-1] => 25 - 36C: Jaguar Cichlid
=> 20 - 24C: Green Terror
=> 22 - 26C: Upside Down Catfish
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 7 - 8.
Recommended hardness range: 10 - 15 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 239%.[SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Recommended water change schedule: 11% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 53%. [SIZE=-1] [Generate Image][/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
Warning: Flowerhorn needs to be kept alone.
Warning: Your selected species will eventually require 110% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Flowerhorn, Baryancistrus sp. L081) or get a larger aquarium tank.

Recommended temperature range: 27 - 30 C. [SIZE=-1][Display in Farenheit][/SIZE]
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.8.
Recommended hardness range: 1 - 15 dH.

Recommended water change schedule: 74% per week. (You might want to split this water change schedule to two separate 49% per week)
Your aquarium stocking level is 166%. </B>[SIZE=-1][Generate Image][/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [What's this?][/SIZE]
You should consider a larger tank for this combination
1 18" giant gourami , 1 7" lampam [ dont know english name ] 1 5" oscar , 2 3" goldfish and 1 3" golden gourami .
What's new for 2010 01 10 build:

- Added Black Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Brown Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Yellow Bullhead Catfish.
- Added Channel Catfish.
- Added White/Pacific Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus).
- Added Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus).
- Added Largemouth/Bigmouth/Black/Florida Bass.
- Added Smallmouth Bass.
- Added Aequidens diadema.
- Added Aequidens metae.
- Added Aequidens sp. Jennaro Herrera.
- Added Aequidens sp. Atabapo.
- Added Andinoacara stalsbergi.
- Added Andinoacara sp. Gold Saum.
- Added Andinoacara pulcher.
- Added Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata).
- Added African Leaf Fish/Spotted Climbing Perch/Leopard Gourami (Ctenopoma acutirostre).
- Added South American Leaf Fish/Amazon Leaf Fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus).
- Added Bucktoothed Tetra (Exodon paradoxus).
- Added Hujeta Gar/Freshwater Barracuda/Slant Nose Gar (Ctenolucius hujeta).
- Added Leopardfish/Dusky Millions Fish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus).
- Added Striped Glass Catfish/False Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus macrocephalus).
- Added Angelicus Botia as an alias to Angelicus Loach.
- Added Yellow Perch.
- Fixed common name for Alligator Gar. Increased size to 5 feet. Also increased aggression.
- Added note to Tropheus Duboisi that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added note to Tropheus Moorii that they require controlled aggression when stocking.
- Added notes to Hillstream Loach about waterflow and oxygen requirements.
- Red Tailed Black Sharks and Rainbow Sharks are marked as incompatible due to aggression to each other.
- Set max number of Red Tailed Black Sharks to 1.
- Set max number of Rainbow Sharks to 1.
- Aggression for both sharks towards other species have been reduced.
- Reduced size of Tropical Gar to 24 inches.
- Fixed a bug: Both pH and Hardness ranges for each species weren't correctly shown when conflicts are found. This has been fixed.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Tang species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Victoria species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Updated pH requirements for Lake Malawi species - pH starts at 7.6.
- Added a warning if Lake Malawi species are mixed with other species, including mbuna species.
- Added Jebo 810/819 filters.
- Added Penn Plax Cascase series power filters.
- Added Fluval xx3 series canister filters.
- Added Fluval xx4 series canister filters.
- Added Eheim Liberty filters.
- Added Skilter 250/400 filters.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 213.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 599.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the app.
awesome man!! thanks for fixn everything!! i like this application more and more