It's coming..... Upgrade finally on the horizon!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looks great! Have you tried turning off the power to simulate a power outage and see how much water drains into the sump? One of your returns lines looks low in the water.
Yea it will drop only to the drains all the plumbing for returns comes through top of tank so as long as one return is higher it gets an air break it will never siphon. All though all are 6 inches deep I drilled small holes in all the locline to prevent this on the service with a 1/8 inch bit. So the tank only drops the amount of water that rises over the drains which is only 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. About 12 15 gallons. Sump rises 4- 5 inch when you shut it down. You can even put lower returns on tank as long as you come from top and lake sure one is high to break a siphon. I do it with drains as well to get some bottom circulation.

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Good planning.
This is a 450 same way returns from the top drilled holes to stop siphoning. Not really planning just dealt with a few problems with siphoning where problems did occur and learned my lesson from floods. Some big floods with check valves in line witch failed so I won't use them.

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app



Jason how is the noise on those overflows? Have you got the second pump plumbed in yet? If they are noise you should duct tape 1" styrofoam together into a box that covers that section. I bet it would help quiet it down a lot.
Jason how is the noise on those overflows? Have you got the second pump plumbed in yet? If they are noise you should duct tape 1" styrofoam together into a box that covers that section. I bet it would help quiet it down a lot.

The overflow is not bad at all, actually the sumo is louder. I am going to box out the pump section and work on a few things to lower the volume over

I like the styro suggestion I may try it!