Jack dempsey teeth?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I just took my jd out and had a very close look at his teeth hes on about 5 inches long so cant see much i wa sjust wondering hwo big their adult teeth are, my jd's teeth are really jagged in a big line on top and bottom
how big is your guy? i got a growout and he is just now starting to show some growth and looks very much like your guy along smaller.

I haven't seen many JD's around with teeth, but i have a salvini with some nice chompers.
The Jack Dempsey cichlid is named after former heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey, since it is a strong and energetic fish. It is a sturdy fish that is easy to care for, but due to its aggressive temperament it is not recommended for novice aquarists. In Spanish speaking regions, this fish is called Mojarra castarrica or Riquiraqui. In Poland, it is known as Pielegnica niebieskoluska, Germans call it Achtbindenbuntbarsch, and finish speaking aquarists know it as Helmikirjoahven. The scientific name for the Jack Dempsey is Archocentrus octofasciatum. The species forms a part of the genus Cichlasoma in the Cichlidae family.

i have a jd/texas cross, about 3-3.5 inches right now, he dosnt have much color but when i look at his lips he does seem to have red teeth. i say this because there are about ten to fifteen little red pricky things that began to grow out just a few weeks back.

lol, his teeth look like the ones in the pic above. but there almost a blood red color.