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if it can help you I have some pics of my mature pair´s genital papilla to show you what to look for exactly.

The female, look at the thing in front of the anal fin. That is the genital papilla.
In a closer look:
The papilla is slightly rounded, very massive. Mostly this development starts after the first egg laying process, the egg tube forms the genital papilla more and more. This female laid some times, so it is easy to see.
Now we look at the male.
First thing to notice: the papilla is way smaller than the females.
Closer look for the difference:
The papilla is slimmer and points to the anal fin, like a V.
My male has a less sharp formed papilla, but I hope you see what I mean.
If you could try taking a pic of the genital area of your fish I could help you best
How big is your fish? Mine are about 6.2 inches.
Since your fish is a EBJD, you can not look at the gills, so you have to watch the genital papilla to show up in a way you can finally sex the fish.
if it can help you I have some pics of my mature pair´s genital papilla to show you what to look for exactly.

The female, look at the thing in front of the anal fin. That is the genital papilla.
In a closer look:

Now we look at the male.

Closer look for the difference:

My male has a less sharp formed papilla, but I hope you see what I mean.
If you could try taking a pic of the genital area of your fish I could help you best

How big is your fish? Mine are about 6.2 inches.
Since your fish is a EBJD, you can not look at the gills, so you have to watch the genital papilla to show up in a way you can finally sex the fish.