Jack dempsey teeth?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
i just cant wait to see what color he turns out. its fun watching him dig in the sand, he always digs out one corner to the bottom of the tank, no matter how many times i push it back down, he digs it back up, so i just gave up and left it alone.
i havent got a JD although i have seen them before in shops at 8" with fairly big teeth, also i seen then being posted on here before with fairly big teeth
mine isnt much of a digger liek ive ehard they are. the only time he digs is if hes lookin for food thats under liek a rock or if he gets frightened and swishes his tail and ficks stuff evrywhere. I was lookin fo his teeth very closely last night but i could only see the convicts big goofy lookin teeth ahha they looked sharp.
Last week I was moving plants around in my tank and my jack dempsey bite me . He broke skin fairly well. I used to have a wolf fish... those fish have serious teeth.
Either my Dads JD was an absoloute retard fish or it had been biting and breaking its teeth ons omething all its life but when my Dads JD was fully grown it only had one tooth in its whole mouth, and i was quite a big tooth didnt look good, ugly fish.
i was hand feeding the other day and mine got me really good. it was enough that people at work noticed, then i had to explain how my fish bit me. should of seen the reactions i got.