hmmmm thank you
Yes, he is of a stunning beauty. His father was more of a darker brownish colour, but fully coloured before he was even half-grown. Then he decided to hide inside a piece of wood that I sorted out to dry on the balcony until the wood was outside...

R.I.P. father of that beauty...
Anyway, we were talking about my actual male.
This colour is just... I don´t know how he does that but when it is dark or dim light, the whole fish appears like a LED wall if you know what I mean. He gets from bordeaux red - gray to dark brown or even black, and in contrast his markings get that shiny and this golden eyes shimmer. His normal base colour is reddish, the caudal fin is deep red like you see in the picture below, and the eyes are like in the picture.
Almost unreal, but this is how he looks in spawning dress. No photo editing. Not a bit.
He is about 20cm long, so not yet full-grown with 2 years. I like his actual size, by the way.
Not too big but very impressive appearance. Just magnificent. Breathtaking.
Yes, I love this fish.
I hope the fry gets that shiny, because then my local fish stores will ask for any fry they can get from me and I will never have problems with too much fry in the tank
This is how he and his female look in lighter coloration: