jcardona1's Aqua Forest: GONE LIVE!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
benito1188;2337778;2337778 said:
so looking back when you were starting...i guess your not dreaming anymore when you said you wanted a aqua forrest!! great job man....il hit you up too when i start ;)
lol yeah seriously!! i was just looking back at that thread a few days ago. ahh the memories :) good stuff, lemme know when you ready to take the plunge
it is looking really good man. i've never done a planted tank but this makes me want to try.
Austin;2337821;2337821 said:
it is looking really good man. i've never done a planted tank but this makes me want to try.
thx! you should give it a try! you can start with something simple like a small 10g with no co2 and low lighting. guarantee youll want more after that :)
jcardona1;2337833; said:
thx! you should give it a try! you can start with something simple like a small 10g with no co2 and low lighting. guarantee youll want more after that :)

hmm...i do have my nano cube 12 empty and it's got the dual pc's in it (had a nano reef for a bit)...now you've got me thinking :grinno:
Austin;2337852;2337852 said:
hmm...i do have my nano cube 12 empty and it's got the dual pc's in it (had a nano reef for a bit)...now you've got me thinking :grinno:
there you go! youre halfway there!!!! DO IT!!!!
i'll pm you...
chonhzilla;2337895;2337895 said:
hey jcardona1, I was wondering how often you use the UV filter?
actually, i just purchased the UV light last week. so, ive only had it running for a week in my tank. i might be taking it out soon though...
jcardona1;2336560; said:
haha banded killers. stupid leporinus :irked: everytime i go to Tropical or petsmart i see a new little tetra or other random fish i wanna add. when i was a tropical this weekend i almost picked up some congo tetras and rams. i need to stop adding fish :nilly:

Hey buddy….
I strongly suggest you pick up some Bolivian rams... Tropical usually has a ton of them. If you walk into the fish room turn right and at the east side of the wall at the top there is a long tank that is most of the time full of them. They don’t get very big but they way they interact with each other is awesome. They are more docile then the German and or the golden. If you do you should add some driftwood and some taller plants just for hiding spots and or spawning areas. I think a school of Bolivian rams would set that tank off big time. Just think about it.
dhgyello04;2338694;2338694 said:
Hey buddy….
I strongly suggest you pick up some Bolivian rams... Tropical usually has a ton of them. If you walk into the fish room turn right and at the east side of the wall at the top there is a long tank that is most of the time full of them. They don’t get very big but they way they interact with each other is awesome. They are more docile then the German and or the golden. If you do you should add some driftwood and some taller plants just for hiding spots and or spawning areas. I think a school of Bolivian rams would set that tank off big time. Just think about it.
yup, those are the ones i saw this past weekend!!! theyre really nice, great colors too. any idea on the pricing of them?