jcardona1's Aqua Forest: The Beginning

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
i would dose it almost daily tell the hc is used to being under water then i would only add it when you have algae problems. but that never happens right :ROFL:
dude you have incredible patience! i've been following your threads for a while now and everything is coming out amazing. nice project you got going on!
WEEK 5 UPDATES!!!!!!!! growth continues. you can see where the HC is growing better in the "valley" where it's more moist.

My canister filter arrived cracked, so I'm waiting for the replacement which will be here next week :irked: Once I get everythign plumbed up, I'll buying about 20~25 stems of b. japonica and ill finally fill this thing with water!!!! :headbang2

Awesome progress brother, Cant wait to see the final product.

on a side note: your avatar hurts my eyes. LOL. Anyone else find it annoying while trying to read the thread???
Looking good. You definitely have an amazing amount of patience.
thanks fellas! best way to deal with these is to just forget it and not think about it! then when you check up on it, youll be surprised :D

and i love my avatar!!! :nilly:
jardona... i love the tank. it is gonna be grgeous when its all filled up and some fish added.

not gonna lie. i agree with mcox. i find myself covering it up sometimes just so i can read your posts and not go crazy. lol