Just bought a dolphin mormyrid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah, thankfully he's already attacking earthworms. In a few weeks, after I make sure he's good and fat and ready for another move, I'll give a 25-ish gallon tank to himself with sand and plants, etc. Have to wait until I move the HRP out of his 10g - though I suppose they ought to be fine together for awhile in the 25g.
Yeah, thankfully he's already attacking earthworms. In a few weeks, after I make sure he's good and fat and ready for another move, I'll give a 25-ish gallon tank to himself with sand and plants, etc. Have to wait until I move the HRP out of his 10g - though I suppose they ought to be fine together for awhile in the 25g.

That's good. Mine wasn't big enough to really do earthworms yet (except for babies) so I'd feed him a ton of blackworms, bloodworms, and mysis shrimp. He'd also eat little bits of frozen food that would fall off larger pieces of krill and whatnot I'd feed to other fish in the tank. Constantly digging in the sand with his nose.