KISS large sump filter design


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2009
black056mtc;5093433; said:
Kiss = 2 filter socks and 50 lbs of ceramic. Done.


Incorporate what Egon had said

I have two issues with this design if you’re looking for "feedback"
1) I don't see a dry area as far as a wet/dry sump is concerned. I like to have some kind of bio tower set up where water trickles through media but is not completely submerged. I’m not 100% on the science but what I understand is, there’s different beneficial bacteria in the dry area and the wet area and this combination really works together to break down dirty water…..
2) The simplest KISS modification to this set up would be adding a trickle water supply. Drill a hole in your sump at the water level you chose and run it to a drain in your house or the back yard (what I do) Then add a supply line to your tank. The extra water will simply drain out. No more water changes! ( sorry Egon I haven't tried to dbl quote before lol)

And you will have more then enough filtration .
Try not to make it so complicated when they really don't have to be, take a look at some of Jcardona's threads on his sumps designs he has quite a few the design is simple but more to the point they work and you will be hard pressed to find water that is as clear as his


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2010
Sorry thats a good looking design but definitely not simple.

Here is my simple sump. With more bio matrix I wouldn't hesitate to go up to 150 gallons with normal stock on this. For your size I would put two socks in it, and 2 liters of bio matrix. All you need is the container, no dividers, no channels, no sponges, just socks and bio matrix/ceramic rings.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
leather;5093605; said:
Sorry thats a good looking design but definitely not simple.

Here is my simple sump. With more bio matrix I wouldn't hesitate to go up to 150 gallons with normal stock on this. For your size I would put two socks in it, and 2 liters of bio matrix. All you need is the container, no dividers, no channels, no sponges, just socks and bio matrix/ceramic rings.
That is simple. Are you sure your getting flow through the media? Do you have any stagnant spots?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2010
Egon;5094895; said:
That is simple. Are you sure your getting flow through the media? Do you have any stagnant spots?
My flow can't not go through the sock and the bio media is piled up in a little dam around the pump. The telltale sign is in the water quality. My rtc has grown 4 inches in 3 weeks on this filter in a 30 gallon tank. There has never been a spike of any type, or any signs of water quality issues. A big part of keeping monsters is constant water changes. This system has a 1gph fresh water drip, and the total system content is around 45 gallons with the sump.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
leather;5095303; said:
My flow can't not go through the sock and the bio media is piled up in a little dam around the pump. The telltale sign is in the water quality. My rtc has grown 4 inches in 3 weeks on this filter in a 30 gallon tank. There has never been a spike of any type, or any signs of water quality issues. A big part of keeping monsters is constant water changes. This system has a 1gph fresh water drip, and the total system content is around 45 gallons with the sump.
I totally agree! The drip is by far the best upgrade I have done. I think it is underrated and not even seriously considered as a filtering method by most.
Cant argue with water quality...... ;)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2010
Freshwater drip is from an R/O unit or do you have a way to add dechlorinator some way as well? I agree that a continuous fresh water supply is the best just not sure how to accomplish that


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
5280critters;5096383; said:
Freshwater drip is from an R/O unit or do you have a way to add dechlorinator some way as well? I agree that a continuous fresh water supply is the best just not sure how to accomplish that
I just use plan old cold tap water. Scary I know, but it's good enough for me it's good enough for my fish...