OK... Time for updates!
The project has been on hold due to the birth of my third perfect daughter, who was born at home. It was a great experience and wife and baby are doing very well.
as for the filter, it has continued to re-circulate on itself out on the back patio. the water had turned a light green likely from the early morning sun that lit it up in the mornings. the plants have thrived, especially the hornwart and parrot's feather. I thew in some gourami fry from the pond and they grew quite a bit, but they are out now.
I decided to move the filter today. before moving it I gave the glass a good wipe down and rinse to hopefully prevent the green water from blooming once inside the house. After a great deal of sweat and grunting the new refugium was put into place.
The water flow was a bit stronger than the test condition, but should not make a major difference.
after letting it run for awhile I replaced the plants and used the carbon bag from the old filter
I also kept only one of the planters. The hornwart was superior to the planters, but having one seemed to break up the flow through the sump allowing detritus to settle on the bottom.
I decided to use the regular shop light instead of the 4x20w light. the 4x20 put off allot more heat, seemed to draw a huge amount of electricity, and discharged a little from the casing. If the shop light doesn't work for the project, I will consider buying a better light latter. But, for now this is how things stand.
I also added a small fan to circulate air and prevent any possible heat issues
I will monitor the levels in the tank over the next few weeks and post the results.