Kribensis Stream Habitat Tank


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 1, 2012
On the second pic, look like you have bba on the Anubias leaves. I have that too on older leaves and leaves in transition from emerged growth to submersed. I have an overstocked tank, so bba cannot be totally eliminated. So I dose 2x excel daily, and since all my plants are attached to small rock or potted, I took them out and sprayed with peroxide to drastically limit bba. I have no other algae.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
There is BBA in the tank but I don't think it has been on the anubias yet. The wood was all covered in it as was the crypts. That is all that is left and a few tufts around the tank. I don't mind it and fish nibble happily at it. The change to better circulation seemed to help slow it down as well.

I had a transitional period with leaves converting to submerged.

I do no fertilizing of this tank. Fish and substrate do that all. If i used ferts I reckon the algae would have been worse.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
Finally got around to taking some more pictures last night.

The first circulation pump I used was rated 4000L/h (1056gal/h)max. This one lasted well.......for about 4 months and then started making a grinding noise which became unbearable. It was only $11 so I guess you get what you pay for.

I replaced it with what I thought was one step up giving a bit more flow to the river. Well it turned out to be a bigger step up as the new pump was rated 10,000L/h (2642gal/h). As can be imagined this did not work too well. Even the loaches were struggling and the congos were giving it their all. I went for the pump between the two which is rated at 7500L/h (1981gal/h).

At first I thought it may be too much when I switched it on so I kept an eye on it for the first week. The fish, especially the kribs seem to love it. They hang out in groups in the strongest current in the corner of the tank swimming upstream and floating back down. The tails show less signs of nipping as I think they spend more time and effort in the current. And best of all, the flow is strong enough that most detritus and mulm that is disturbed by the fish during feeding stays suspended and removed by the canister.

I am not worried about the fish getting too tired as the pump is set on the light timer and only comes on when the lights are on giving the fish plenty of time to rest.

The clowns have always been a tad skittish and with there only being two of them, it didn't help. Since the pump has been installed with more flow, they are always out and about. Their color seems to have intensified as well.

The water cabbage was not doing well. The congos were destroying the roots and I think there was not enough light for them so I removed them.
One of the emerged anubias flowering:

The fish hang out in the front left corner swimming in the current and doing their thing. The congos swim along the current back and front. Sometimes even hanging out in the flow leaving the pump.
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