Largest Clown Loach I Ever Seen!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Great pic FishNCash! I bet if you posted a pic of that fish in a tank you could easily pass it off as 12" and 9/10 people would believe you. I am still yet to see a pic of a 12" clown loach with a tape measure to confirm, I'm not doubting they eventually get there, but I'm calling BS on anything bigger until I see some concrete evidence.

This pic from page three is probably the biggest looking CL I've seen, just going by how big the aro looks by comparrison. But I doubt it would be much/any over 12"..

the fish in the picture is at least 15" if you don't believe it, I have 14" in my tank swimming, I'll snap a picture later

Great pic FishNCash! I bet if you posted a pic of that fish in a tank you could easily pass it off as 12" and 9/10 people would believe you. I am still yet to see a pic of a 12" clown loach with a tape measure to confirm, I'm not doubting they eventually get there, but I'm calling BS on anything bigger until I see some concrete evidence.

This pic from page three is probably the biggest looking CL I've seen, just going by how big the aro looks by comparrison. But I doubt it would be much/any over 12"..

Thought I would bring this thread back alive with anyone who has monster clown loaches to share some pics!