• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lava rock for filter media?

What is the matrix?

All that shows up when I googled it was the movie. Do you have any pics for reference? Also what is it typically used for, is it made to be a filter media or is it a diy media like lava rock.

I have a big mesh bag full of lava rock in my ac110 hob that seems to be doing fine as of now but, yes I understand how it can be a pita to clean out. If matrix is better would t mind adding it to the arsenal.

It's seachem matrix. They also have pond matrix.

The thing that makes lava rock attractive is not that it's the very best but it's the very best value. In the end that made me more labor to keep it clean. I bring a hose and then power wash my sumps every now and then. Normally about once every 6 months is enough if I remember to change the floss once a week.

I have bio rings in my HOBs, because they take up very little room compared to Lava.

I have one sump which has bio rings and lava and gravel and floss and poret sponge filters. It's the suspenders and a belt concept on steroids.

The bio rings are in bags so I can rinse them separately.
I think the correct term is, cheapest. lol
I could spend a fortune, if that was my goal.

My wife would say I already have. ;)

I try to keep things down to earth.

But sky is the limit in this business.
I get it, but for me time = $$$, so I have to balance the two. IME - the better value is in the bio-rings and matrix, it's simply much faster for me to maintain, and so far it seems to almost last forever. (close to 20 yrs for some of my biomax, and still going strong) IMO, I believe that it is also offers more square footage of area for bacteria to colonize, but of course that is up for debate.
I get it, but for me time = $$$, so I have to balance the two. IME - the better value is in the bio-rings and matrix, it's simply much faster for me to maintain, and so far it seems to almost last forever. (close to 20 yrs for some of my biomax, and still going strong) IMO, I believe that it is also offers more square footage of area for bacteria to colonize, but of course that is up for debate.

I agree 100%. Not to mention, Seachem Matrix is like $35 on Amazon for the 1 gallon which is 170 sqft of surface area. Lava rock I've read is supposedly 16-30sqft of surface area for the standard $8 bag at your favorite big box hardware store. So, lets say it's 30sqft, you would need roughly 5.66 bags of the stuff to equal the small bucket of Seachem surface area wise. Not to mention, you need to be able to include those 5 bags of lava rock in your system.....oh and that is $40 before tax so you actually end up paying more.
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I posted the following in a past discussion;

Eheim EHFISUBSTRAT with over 450 m2 per liter = 4842 sq. ft. of surface area per liter.

Seachem Matrix; provides over 160,000 cm2 per liter = 170 sq. ft. of surface area per liter.

Fluval Biomax; each ceramic ring contains at least 100 square feet of surface area x approx 66 rings per liter = 6600 sq. ft. of surface area per liter. Link c. Each 17.63 oz box contains approximately 100 ceramic cylinders - perfect for most mid-sized (approximately 1-1/2 L) media baskets.

Considering the above, how easy they are to maintain, and how many years my Hagen biomax rings, and later Seachem matrix have lasted in my filters, I think that it's difficult to compare true value, with bulk lava rock, even if the latter costs less.
It is very difficult to compare, for bulk lava varies widely in quality and size. Commercial products are quite homogeneous and uniform.
To get the best performance from lava you do have to toss out the dense pieces and crush the big ones.

I certainly do not have your history with commercial media, but I do appreciate them and use them.

FINALLY: I see the price of commercial media online is only about 1/2 to 1/3 of the local price.

This amazes me as we have Petco, Petsmart, Pet Extreme, and Walmart, plus 4 local shops, all selling it at inflated prices. This actually changes the math a lot for me.