That is one of the cleanest setups ever. It also shows a sense of artistry and balance. I can see the money invested, but I can really tell the great effort and time invested in the planning. The system building is just a fraction of the time involved.
People underestimate the value of good planning, and even more, the investment it represents. The results usually tell the story.
Compare that to my quickie 30g setup above, made from Tupperware, scraps of PVC, bulb siphon with hose, and a pond pump with garden hose.
I threw that together in a couple hours from things I had on hand at very little cost. Mine worked, but it is decidedly temporary and with zero effort to asthetics or convenience.
I have one garden hose valve (drain throttle) and use a short inlet u-tube drain to prevent back-siphon. Zero unions. No sock: just polyfloss lava, gravel, and bio-foam. No safety drain! No check valves! No drilling of the tank.
It's cheap & it works, but it is a pain to clean or do water changes (and so ugly!) But I built it on the fly with zero planning, using only my experience from building my other sump systems.
Mine is only safe because if the drain plugs, the pump runs dry before the tank floods over.
If the pump stops, the short-pickup drain siphon breaks to prevent the sump from flooding over.
If the tank level falls below the drain siphon, it cannot regain siphon, so to prevent re-starting the siphon I must keep the water topped off from excess evaporation, within one gallon in this 35g system. It only loses a pint a day, because the lids fit well.
ALSO: Folks, we should quit using the ugly purple primer. Clear primer works fine and doesn't stain the pipes.
Puple primer is only purple for the convenience of the plumbing inspector.
He doesn't want to bend over to look closely enough to see if clear primer was used.
People underestimate the value of good planning, and even more, the investment it represents. The results usually tell the story.
Compare that to my quickie 30g setup above, made from Tupperware, scraps of PVC, bulb siphon with hose, and a pond pump with garden hose.
I threw that together in a couple hours from things I had on hand at very little cost. Mine worked, but it is decidedly temporary and with zero effort to asthetics or convenience.
I have one garden hose valve (drain throttle) and use a short inlet u-tube drain to prevent back-siphon. Zero unions. No sock: just polyfloss lava, gravel, and bio-foam. No safety drain! No check valves! No drilling of the tank.
It's cheap & it works, but it is a pain to clean or do water changes (and so ugly!) But I built it on the fly with zero planning, using only my experience from building my other sump systems.
Mine is only safe because if the drain plugs, the pump runs dry before the tank floods over.
If the pump stops, the short-pickup drain siphon breaks to prevent the sump from flooding over.
If the tank level falls below the drain siphon, it cannot regain siphon, so to prevent re-starting the siphon I must keep the water topped off from excess evaporation, within one gallon in this 35g system. It only loses a pint a day, because the lids fit well.
ALSO: Folks, we should quit using the ugly purple primer. Clear primer works fine and doesn't stain the pipes.
Puple primer is only purple for the convenience of the plumbing inspector.
He doesn't want to bend over to look closely enough to see if clear primer was used.