Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
twentyleagues twentyleagues That's quite a pump. I see you're bypassing right to the sump.
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twentyleagues twentyleagues That's quite a pump. I see you're bypassing right to the sump.
Its a bit over kill. I had some grand plans and it was the same cost as the smaller one I was looking at. Its dialed back a bit too, and it still feeds two tanks upstairs no problem and the 75 down there. Everything else is run off return water from the up stairs tanks.
My 75g tank gets a new plexi 20g custom sump to replace the old 10g.
First run, without lids.

This custom-size 40g will be the new brackish sump, replacing the 20g there now.


These were built to my dimensions at Visio/Clear for Life, and I paid $210 delivered for the pair, plus $32 sales tax.

The plexi tank was the largest possible sump I could put in that cabinet. 10.5"x24" and 24" tall.
The glass tank is 15"x42" and 16" tall, being the largest practical size to fit under the Imagitarium 55g steel stand.

Here is that same type stand, on my patio tank, shown with a 30g sump (which leaves lots of space for more sump.)