Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
135 gallon that i picked up off craigslist for only $500 came complete w/ two ehiem thermal filters with the lil digital monitor. seals on top were a little weak and had small leaks but nothing a couple ratchet straps wont fix to hold them tops on there tight

more fish fish 007.JPG

more fish fish 008.JPG
LOL.. clearly too much time on your hands to stack your scrubbies like that.

Cool setup
Nice ! I like the ratchet straps pretty innovative :)

Hey Ben can you give us a little guidance on how your setup works ? Im ashamed to admit I only understand it partially. Then you got your jet pilot switches up there too im all confused :)
tcarswell;3461302; said:
Nice ! I like the ratchet straps pretty innovative :)

Hey Ben can you give us a little guidance on how your setup works ? Im ashamed to admit I only understand it partially. Then you got your jet pilot switches up there too im all confused :)
It's really simple...;):D,
basic overflow system utilizing Glass_Holes.com dual 2" overflow box.

A Reeflow DART 3600gph pump wired to switch #5, feeds the tank with filtered water, from the pump outlet, via a 1.5" supply pipe, 1.5" check valve, split into 2 x 1.5" bulkheads 1/3rd the way off the bottom of the tank.

All the water delivered to the tank, is overflowed into the 2 x 2" overflow box. 2 x 2" PVC pipes drain that water to the top of the bio-chamber.

It goes through the Jap Mat and into the 24" x 24" drip plate. This trickles the water into the bio-chamber filled with 1,000 scrubbies.

Water then goes out the bottom into the next chamber where it is heated to 85f by 2 x 250watt stealth heaters, run off of a blue line heater controller switched by #4 switch.
After that, it is past over a 18watt UV filter, Switch #3 and into the last chamber where baffles direct water to the 2" bulkhead that feeds the DART pump...

Switch #1 is the MAIN and Switch #2 is for the Lighting

see? ...simple :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
zennzzo;3461384; said:
It's really simple...;):D,
basic overflow system utilizing Glass_Holes.com dual 2" overflow box.

A Reeflow DART 3600gph pump wired to switch #5, feeds the tank with filtered water, from the pump outlet, via a 1.5" supply pipe, 1.5" check valve, split into 2 x 1.5" bulkheads 1/3rd the way off the bottom of the tank.

All the water delivered to the tank, is overflowed into the 2 x 2" overflow box. 2 x 2" PVC pipes drain that water to the top of the bio-chamber.

It goes through the Jap Mat and into the 24" x 24" drip plate. This trickles the water into the bio-chamber filled with 1,000 scrubbies.

Water then goes out the bottom into the next chamber where it is heated to 85f by 2 x 250watt stealth heaters, run off of a blue line heater controller switched by #4 switch.
After that, it is past over a 18watt UV filter, Switch #3 and into the last chamber where baffles direct water to the 2" bulkhead that feeds the DART pump...

Switch #1 is the MAIN and Switch #2 is for the Lighting

see? ...simple :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
:WHOA: You da man. So how much GPH is the turbo twist running? I got an 18 watt but I run it super slow.. like 115-140 gph max.
Does covering your sump like that let enough oxygen in for the wet dry
Redearsunfish;3461659; said:
Don't hit the wrong switch! :)
All UP = RUN #1 DOWN = Water Change

tcarswell;3461759; said:
:WHOA: You da man. So how much GPH is the turbo twist running? I got an 18 watt but I run it super slow.. like 115-140 gph max.
75-100gph...I plumbed for max dwell time...

syndicate;3461784; said:
Does covering your sump like that let enough oxygen in for the wet dry
The Bio chamber is vented all the way around and the rest of the sump doesn't need it...the cover isn't Air-tight, just there to prevent the condensation from getting out of the sump... ;)
zennzzo;3462052; said:
All UP = RUN #1 DOWN = Water Change

75-100gph...I plumbed for max dwell time...

The Bio chamber is vented all the way around and the rest of the sump doesn't need it...the cover isn't Air-tight, just there to prevent the condensation from getting out of the sump... ;)
Right on man. Thats why I got mine so low... good dwell time :D