The 360 and my chair The two canister filters, they are T'ed before the pump to drain to the back yard if needed. The 55 gallon sump, the black lines are the drain to the back yard for power outages and such, mostly used for me forgetting to turn off the water when I'm refilling it after a water change. A look at the double stack HD buckets and the plastic bag/splash curtain. These are filled with Bio-Pin Balls with a mechanical filter at the very top. The 3/4" white pvc lines is ran to the main drain line that goes out side. This sets the level of the water in the sump, any water higher than that line goes to the back yard. It's for the trickle system, I trickle about 1 gallon of water an hour into the tank. The water overflows down to the sump and the sump over flows to the back yard out to the wife's roses. a shot of the top of the tank