Sounds like a good store..I think your mistaken on seeing these clowns though, especially at that price.. I really hope they become readily available because I would love to own one..
Addikted2Cichlids;5003008; said:Sounds like a good store..I think your mistaken on seeing these clowns though, especially at that price.. I really hope they become readily available because I would love to own one..
He was referring to mavericks post. It will be cool if they can get a 100% captive breeding program going.Heathd;5003076; said:Pretty sure im not wrong. The fish were being exported as a collaboration between papua new guinie and the Seasmart program, and since there is a lawsuit between the two bickering over money... they arent being exported.
Highly doubtful in most of our minds it seems...go back and ask, or try to take some pictures. My bet is that it was some sort of Picasso or other clown like that they just called lightning.Mavrick813;5003084; said:I suppose your right. Could be that I seen the name being used. I don't know, I am positive I seen the words Lightning Clown Fish on a tank.
I agree, I thought the same thing when I read that. He must be the go to guy if that's who they trusted with this fish.. Buy the sounds of it, I would hope and think there are alot of more people qualified to do this. I only hope 10 years down the road I start seeing these fish pop up..nonstophoops;5004358; said:I find it very very peculiar that this clown would be given to someone that doesn't seem to be investing a lot of time into it. He almost killed it while out of town because he had it floating in a cage in a tank with 3 centropyge species! He also states that he is having both hair algae and cyanobacteria problems in the tank that the lightning is now in. I seriously can't believe it. If you can indeed get a ton of money for these, say 500 bucks even, then it should be a full time job with a fully dedicated system just for this fish. I would set up a large tank, like a 125 with an additional couple hundred gallons in sumps and top of the line filtration to maintain absolutely pristine water quality. No other tank mates should be in the tank with it and a strong effort to get a male acclimated to this fish should be taking place. I mean the man got this fish and can't even afford a controller for his tank from what he said. I just don't get it.