Live Fish As Food - Nutritional Value & Concerns

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
gazelle;3984180; said:
ok so uhh i read on my massivore delite bag that each pellet is equilivant to 2 and a half goldfish (i think i could be totally off idk) does that mean that I am cutting the life span of my fish shorter???? please respond!! what would be a good alternative because this is a big part of there diet and i would like to wean them off of it as quickly as possible if it is bad

uh i think it means it has the same amount of protein equivalent to two gold fish, massivore delights is a healthy food staple so dont worry about it.
I have various cichlid, such as RD's and a jaguar, also have some large malawis and have recently started to breed my own guppies as feeders and was wondering if this is a good idea as a once every few days ''treat'' ?
Is it "safe" to feed freshwater (chichlids) minnows? I swtich to minnows becuase I have heard about the goldifsh thing, my chiclids are too big for the tiny rosys or guppies in the LFS. I can get larger more satisfyin Minnows from the local Bait shop and they are MUCH cheaper. i only do this once a week. Is that "safe"?
I breed my own feeders. My convict "parents" are fed a diet of cichlid pellets, cichlid flake (mix of many types), krill, spriliuna, bloodworms, blackworms, and mysis shrimp.

My livebearer "parents" are fed the same except tropical flake mix is substituted for the cichlid flake mix.

When the fry are born, they're stuffed with golden pearl for a few days or a week until they're fed to my carnivores/omnivores.

In my opinion, live food is only as good as the food it eats, so breeding your own and "spoiling" the live food breeders is great way to know what you're feeding your fish.