All that too, and no certainly not a crime. But the OP came here asking advice about a specific scenario, involving a specific species, so that tends to open the door.
As I began reading this thread this is exactly how I was viewing the situation. Anyone experienced with dovii would have known better. Really no softer way to put that. Not a crime, but a pretty big mistake for any cichlid species that is known to be aggressive, even at the current size. "Has anyone seen a male kill a female this young they are about 5 in?" Hell yeah, plenty of us have, including fish far smaller, and known to be far less agro than a dovii.
And the OP stating that the plan was only to buy one, and then decided to give a male & female a whirl in a 37 gallon, doesn't change anything in my mind.
Nope not a crime, unless maybe you live in Great Britain.
Yup and this was a lesson learned about taking an additional fish and throwing a wrench in my game plan. Another lesson learned was that even with plenty of hiding spots two aggressive cichlids will not work out. After I bring back the female Dovii to health I will have to find her a new home.