Hello fellow MFKers 
Recently I've purchased a Marbled male Convict and a female Convict from Aquatic Aggression and I'm impressed! It's my first time breeding any type of Cichlid so I decided to start out with a easy species and easy they are since five minutes into the tank they were already showing nice color and following each other left and right
So I'm gonna do thread of my experience of breeding them so stay tuned! First few pictures are of them just getting settled into the new tank. As of now they seem to be hanging around the small cave that surprisingly the male can fit into but I hope they pick the clay pot since I really want to see the eggs!
Here is the male his name is "Two Face" since he's got a black spot on one side and nothing on the other
Here is the female and sadly she has no name yet so throw some ideas my way!
And here's a video of them after five minutes of being dropped into the tank.

Recently I've purchased a Marbled male Convict and a female Convict from Aquatic Aggression and I'm impressed! It's my first time breeding any type of Cichlid so I decided to start out with a easy species and easy they are since five minutes into the tank they were already showing nice color and following each other left and right

Here is the male his name is "Two Face" since he's got a black spot on one side and nothing on the other

Here is the female and sadly she has no name yet so throw some ideas my way!

And here's a video of them after five minutes of being dropped into the tank.