Marbled Fenestratus Breeding Project!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
So many babies, I am amazed, I am used to small pairs or hybrids where I regularly got 50 eggs, this time I can count almost 300!



I did separate the fry when they hatched into a 2footer, they are loving it, eating Hikari First Bites!
Marbled fenestratus could be just a pink morph fenestratus that have not completed the peeling process. Pink fenestratus exist naturally in the lake but they start out like normal fenestratus and gradually peel off the dark pigments when they get big. I have a 6 inch pink fenestratus that has completed 80% peeling, and not sure if he/she will ever complete 100% peeling.

Abinism is a different mutation that doesn't exist naturally in the lake.


Marbled fenestratus could be just a pink morph fenestratus that have not completed the peeling process.

marbled = piebald

In some cases where a fish does not completely fade or finish peeling, with some black pigment remaining, the condition is known as hypomelanism.
i wish to clear this is up.

i feel that marbled and pink fenes are different, marbled fens will usually get darker as they age and then loose most of the colour.
at the moment i own two, one of which looks very normal fene with a few white patches and the other is completly white with a blotch on the face.

imo they are 100% fen...

there is no mistaking a fenestratus when you see one, and to me they are one of the if not THE finest paraneetroplus there is. pics will be up shortly.
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Seeing as the foundation for this strain came from a pet store in AU, unfortunately there's no telling exactly what their genetic make up is.