Members Photo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
LOL!!! Haven't gotten that one told it made me look more redneckish...not sure if i should take that as a compliment or diss I wish i could find the pictures of me when i had my hair neon yellow with rocket red tips!! LOL! or when it was blue, or glow in the dark pink, or green! Man, i love messin with my hair! :P
I only dyed my hair ONCE, and it was blue...

After about a week though it started to wash out and my hair was discharge green for 2 years!! Even when I cut it, it just had that tint..

IT was digusting.:)
well since im a noob at this bored ,trying to click a bit ..but have desparetly 'unpopular tendancies' in real life -heres a pic i took of myself (yes i know ,I have no life )Oh yeah,BTW ,I think blue hair is cool ,if i could still pull it off id do mine again :headbang2

SExy sexy!!!!!

It would be an even awesomer pic if you had More of your tank in the pic and a MFK DECAL!!!

Some one get this sexy ***** one please! :)
i see a flowerhorn
rumblesushi said:
I only masquerade as an englishman, I was born in France :D
Frogs make good bait, heheh.
I'm the one on the left.
