Awesome Shark, I'd so keep him and put him in a saltwater in a pond I would build in my backyard so if someone tried to break in.... dun dun dun =)Zoodiver said:Here's a shot of me with a bull pup that was collected about two years ago off the Texas gulf coast. It was part of a transport and population study I was part of. We collectied and transported two hammer species, bulls, Atlantic sharpnose, Atlantic black tips, various rays and a few larger fish as well. That particular animal is now about 9' and living at the Dallas World Aquarium's "Mundo Maya" exhibit.
The TRUST said:ur a WOMAN?????? I soooooooo didn't know. LOL!
Great black and white!! Very honest pic tooAsh said:The first one is my bf and I awhile ago he's a mfk member also (xxt2goodxx) then the others are just random pic's of me.
The TRUST said:Dude! What Gel u use? I like the Do!![]()
I hope that pink looking stuffed animal in the background isnt your's o__ohyphen said:it depends. sometimes i use kms, sometimes i use crude clay, sometimes i use geletain packets, sometimes i use egg whites. the kms gel is least messiest but most expensive
p.s. i don't have a mohawk. mohawks are trendy and lame. every joe shmoe rocks a mohawk these days, tryin to be punk but can't fit the shoe. cos you know, bein punk is "cool". the only time i won't think someone looks like a yuppy with a mohawk is if it's more than 7" tall, he aint wearing designer clothing, and isn't trying to look sexy for the camera.