Members Photo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I really need to get new pics--all of mine suck. Anyways, this is me with hair--a few months ago I cut off 10" and donated it to Locks of Love, so now it's just past my shoulders.


The kitty is Riggs :).

I don't think mine is 7" yet.....but it might be....lookin at the pictures of when i first posted it and my head hair has grown back FAST!! That was only barely a couple weeks ago and already i have almost 1/4" of i had it pretty much bicked....
rumblesushi said:
aren't those geckos? :D
BoBo and Babs, the tokay geckos. They actually tell me what to write, they would do it themselves but they think key boards lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

FlammingWoodChuck you scare me!

With this picture:

:banhim: :D
last spring ...track meet.....