Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Rubber gripper gloves work really well, if I was local I would help you but then again if you were local you would probably be a bad influence on me and I would be horrding more fish, then again when I got tired of some of mine I could just throw them into your tanks and you might never notice.

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Thanks for the tip on rubber gloves...never thought of that with all the tanks ive moved. And yeah i am a bad influence to most people that come through lol...i do end up getting alot of fish from them later down the road aswell almost ready to full drip. I got 7 tanks with drips and drains all hooked up today...3 more to finish drains on as they are not drilled and i havent decieded what to do yet. Most likely going with neoprodigys pvc overflow but i would rather just drill them. Im a bit afraid to drill glass.

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Inspiring man awesome stuff!

Thanks man much appreciated...its alot of work lol

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Well my d.i.y. sediment filters lasted about 45 min dripping for 7 tanks. One exploded the clips right off the marineland350 housing...too much pressure lol...i think ill order some different housings and just run the straight tap water until they come in.

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I use these canisters to house my sediment filters for my R/O. For my freshwater I only run the water through the sediment block and two different carbon blocks.

I live down the road from BRS so I buy a lot of my stuff from them as I can just pick it up. They also sell two different types of sediment filters in the 10 and 20" sizes.
Filter housings for carbon and sediment are on the way aswell as some better shut off valves and fittings.("watts" ball valves from home depot absolutly suck!!!!!!! And they all leak) Been dripping straight from the tap for about 36 hrs on 7 tanks and i am extremly happy with the results. I can notice better coloration in my fish and there a heck of alot more active and owner responsive :) stoked! Auto drip or bust. My 500 may be making it down tuesday if all goes well so its all systems go soon here to the 3k.

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Your basement is comming together nicely! Great work youve done! Cant imagine doing waterchanges on all those tanks before the drip, what is your waterchange % on the drips? I am one of those close to 100% waterchange a\week guys. Offcourse you have to drip more then that since you also lose some of the clean water.. 20% of tankvolume each day is good i think. Hell off alot water in your case :p I change somewhere between 240 and 300 gallons a day on my 1800 gallons of water in total. Thats about 15%, the big tank drags it a little down.
Your basement is comming together nicely! Great work youve done! Cant imagine doing waterchanges on all those tanks before the drip, what is your waterchange % on the drips? I am one of those close to 100% waterchange a\week guys. Offcourse you have to drip more then that since you also lose some of the clean water.. 20% of tankvolume each day is good i think. Hell off alot water in your case :p I change somewhere between 240 and 300 gallons a day on my 1800 gallons of water in total. Thats about 15%, the big tank drags it a little down.

Thanks! Ive been trying to automate everything for a while now, its such a relief its ridiculous lol. Still kinda in the test phase on the drips and im tweaking and what not but ill give u a list of tanks and gph and see what ya think and what i can change. A friend told me to start the drips slow so i dont shock the fish too bad but some are probably where they need to be already. Still gotta drill or pvc drain another 5-6 glass tanks i have drip lines set up for so alot of tinkering in the next couple days.

650-2gph (upping to 3 nextweek)
300-1gph (possibly 1.5 im thinking)
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Forgot too add all of these tanks have water levels 2-6" under the top (all acrylic) so my gallon volumes are not true. Dripping 80-90% would probably be close to 100% even with the extra sump volume.

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With these larger tanks near me.. as my monsters get too large, I see future donations all around me here in Ohio.