Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Wet basement from your sump pumps or grading around the house? Seems like that is a project worth investigating. Just had a wet basement myself and now I am running a 2x brand new bw1050 1/2hp watch dog sump pumps and a new 7.5 hour battery powered sump pump. Three new pumps in my basement sump is overkill but worth it.

Just got home from work and I logged on to MFK to see how things went with your tank, I am very happy things worked out and no one was hurt. Congrats.
I just found this thread yesterday and I finally caught up this morning. You have some awesome tanks and I can't wait to see the 3k. My wife thinks she has it bad with 125g, 75g and 40g in the basement. Wait until I show her pictures of your basement.........

What do you do for humidity in your basement???

I'm just across town and could help out any time you need it.
Wet basement from your sump pumps or grading around the house? Seems like that is a project worth investigating. Just had a wet basement myself and now I am running a 2x brand new bw1050 1/2hp watch dog sump pumps and a new 7.5 hour battery powered sump pump. Three new pumps in my basement sump is overkill but worth it.

Just got home from work and I logged on to MFK to see how things went with your tank, I am very happy things worked out and no one was hurt. Congrats.

Well ive had my house for 3yrs and have been fighting water coming in when it rains ever since. I had the sump pump put in and had most of the footer drains replaced outiside. I also pulled all my down spouts above ground and i still get water. Its not terrible just a nusiance lol...i believe its a grading issue and the fact weve had more rain lately than in past years. Im kinda at the bottom of a hill so after everything washes down i get wet lol...its clean ground water coming through the walls so it could be worse.

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that new tank is a beast! what do they call that again? bullet tip? or train rack or something eh?

always wanted to fill one with tiger barbs watch them race!
Haha tigerbarbs racing would be funny...and yeah people usually call them racetrack tanks or double bullnose. Or double bullett lol

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I just found this thread yesterday and I finally caught up this morning. You have some awesome tanks and I can't wait to see the 3k. My wife thinks she has it bad with 125g, 75g and 40g in the basement. Wait until I show her pictures of your basement.........

What do you do for humidity in your basement???

I'm just across town and could help out any time you need it.

For humidity i run a dehumidifier 24/7 that drains into my sump pump...even with a 12' open top pool humidity is 20%. When i first moved in i also put up 25mil plastic on the basement ceiling to create a "vapor barrier" and it works very well for insulating the basement temp against the upstairs temp.

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Where do you get all of these big tanks? I know you got the racetrack tank from John, but where are you finding these other big tanks at?????
You're not boring us with all the info and pics from your other tanks, keep it coming.
Really enjoy following threads like this.

Thanks man...glad its entertaining...sometimes i sit back and try to figure out how 4,000+ gallons ended up in my house haha yet i still keep building :)

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Where do you get all of these big tanks? I know you got the racetrack tank from John, but where are you finding these other big tanks at?????

Honestly i dont even really look anymore, but i guess ive aquired alot of good acrylic tanks in the past 3yrs and the answer is i found them everywhere lol...other mfk friends,craigslist,newspaper, lfs call me (like john) and say come pick it up. Ive let a few slip to other mfk friends aswell when i dont have the money so i guess i get calls for tanks because people know i can use them or get a buyer very quick. Best advice is be patient and always have money saved for when they do pop up cheap. I get alot of broken acrylic tanks aswell and fix them, big money saver.

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