Metal monster 3k

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Re. tiling/finishes: look into steel-float concrete. Templates and concepts can be nicked from people/websites talking about concrete countertops. Use fibreglass instead of (or along with) steel: very tough. Can finish with any food/potable-grade sealant as would be used in a rendered water tank. A little white/light grey, grey and ochre all rippled & mottled with an occasional embedded shell behind that Tiger would look... good.
rusty cant wait to finally see this monster finally go up!!!

this series of projects ranks right up there with richs trip to the west coast on the "crazy for fish"-o-meter

hope everything goes smoothly from here on out!

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Subfloor/tank bottom has been put down and crack patched....decieded to hit it with a couple coats of Ames Blue Max liquid rubber just because i have it on hand from previous projects. Figure it cant hurt in protecting the wood from any leaks down the road. Need to level out the subfloor a bit somehow due to the grade of the basement floor, then its time to bring the frame in.

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You are killing me man come on with the updates!!! LOL. I can't wait to see this one done with all your big Monsters in it!!

And remember I am only a few cities away if you ever need any good FREE help!!!
Having seen this, I'm at a loss as to why anyone would use wood. How much would you charge a customer for the welding you've done on that frame?
Is steel necessary, or just what you had lying around? It seems like this could be done in aluminum, which is a little more readily available in premade sizes at any hardware store.