Bump me down to 7 Alex... one of my longnoses was missing its head when I came home today. Was my smallest gar, luckily LNG was the only species I kept two of.
Put me down for one gar:Tropical Gar Atractosteus tropicus 20" and fat!
It's in a 450, temps about 85 right now (summer) winter I keep it around 79. Feeding on frozen/thawed/de-shelled market shrimp, frozen/thawed silversides, floating Aro sticks and a pinky mouse every once in a while.
u'll need to post some pics before we believe u haha just kidding, but do snap some shots for the gar of the month contest in the sticky! we could use more t-gar shots
u'll need to post some pics before we believe u haha just kidding, but do snap some shots for the gar of the month contest in the sticky! we could use more t-gar shots
very nice gar & aquascaping! love the background. u'll need to email me the pic if u wanna participate in the comp btw, click on the link in my sig for more details