More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
So after last night, I found out A LOT OF NOTHING. Despite sloughing chunks of slime coat that I caught in a net, Bobo seems perfectly fine. He ate a blackworm cube from my fingers and drifted around looking for mealworms. Today he's fine as well, floating across the tank like a brown blimp and staring at the surface.

Cichlids. :irked:
It's now one month since I got the QT crew. The acaras have doubled in size since purchase and are now 3 inches long! Corn is getting more deep bodied, and Pip is thicker as well. The Severum is a 'safe' size now because of his height. The acaras need another inch or two before I'm comfortable with them going in the main tank (Pepper at 4 inches is doing fine with the big boys, but he's gotten a lot taller too). The plan is 1-2 more months in QT provided their growth doesn't become an issue. Severum is the boss, but not by much. The acaras are starting to test him, and the Redpoint refuses to back off completely. I thought at first I would need to use dividers but I avoided that by adding several log hides. The fish love them. They chase some, but nothing serious. The acaras are plain too fast for the severum, even if he wanted to do anything (think the Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote). The redpoint is even faster but only chases to clear space then goes back to his log. It's amazing how they find their cubby holes and hide, the tank will look empty after meals. Everybody disappears!

They eat like exodons or piranhas, its unbelievable. I break pellets up and they still gobble down clumps at a time. They bang into each other grabbing food. If I leave the room the sand is clean minutes later. Water change schedule is either 50 percent or 80 percent every 2 days. They also get a quart of old tank water each change from the 225.

On to the pics:

Rocky (top) Jazz (below). Rocky has white eyes, and his scales look almost frosty. Jazz has dark eyes with more metallic type scales. Top fins are different in shape too.

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Do they look like trouble or what? Jazz is bold and opportunistic. Likes to check things out.
Rocky is in your face fearless. Doesn't get shook at anything.


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