• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

More tank pics, updated

A rare picture of Tango, the kook parrot. After I took this shot he spazzed out and hid in his house. Then he came out to play. If you're wondering about the heater in the foreground I stopped wasting time attaching it to the glass. Tango pulls the suction cups off so I leave it dangling. He likes relaxing next to the heater at the bottom. He also has a good time knocking the filter tube off the hob making water shoot everywhere. For such a large parrot he's flighty and goofy.

No matter where he is, Boss is always aware of his surroundings. He does what I call a 'slow look' when something catches his attention.


And lastly we have Brick, who glides like a leviathan of the deep. He's showing some new fin growth on the edges. Big Red will be 4 in December. See y'all next edition.

LOL! After a week Mongo's chasing antics have gotten old. Big Stripey is the second son willing to play 'tag.' So now we have Dusty and Big Stripey bucking back. Hugo, another big son took a cheap shot as well, clipping him from behind. Stripey is the one that actually seeks Mongo out for a fight now, puffing and juking. So we're off and running with a new edition of Goon City.

This outcome was pretty predictable because Mongo was relentless. So even though he comes out to retaliate it does him no good. As tank boss, Corn (severum) leaves them to it until he gets annoyed or bored with the skirmishes and just plows in, making everyone scatter. ?‍♂️?‍♀️ Meanwhile the angry sons pin Mongo in an area then go about their business.

Being fiesty little centrals they test Corn occasionally but he does this weird body tilt thing and shakes, so they stop. Its funny the dynamic in the 125 vs the 225. There are plenty of hides/logs in the 125 and the community is actually smaller but they seem scrappier at times. Could be because Corn isn't a 'dominant' tank boss...I think his bright color is a put off as well as his size. (It's been my experience hrps are intimidated by bright fish). In the 225 the tank bosses match or exceed aggression in addition to size (and the Oscar's big mouth). So the hrps have their area of the tank as a community apartment with minimal squabbling. I have no idea if a hierarchy is being established in the 125, it seems more like everyone is defending their own little spot. Rocky (acara) roams the tank and ignores the drama, pretty much neutral. But he stays aware of the little snits when they're in a mood. Corn roams freely as well. The tank is reasonably calm in stretches. I've added additional vines to encourage exploring more levels off the bottom. It's helped, especially for the acara. They seem to like mid level cover as well as the bottom. Shading off the light at both sides helped too. After about 6pm in evening mode (magenta) light things really quiet down and everyone disappears into their nooks and caves. Only one fish still pops out and peeps around. Mongo, of course.

Anyone that says hrps are 'peaceful' deserves a line drive to both eyes.
Okay. Here's a food clip/pouch that I use to smoosh blackworm/tubifex cubes into the mesh. It's mostly for the parrot, acara, rainbow and hrps. However my O has learned to delicately pick cubes from the mesh (despite the fact the greedy sucker is fed separately). Anyway, I have two that I attach to the glass with suction cups. They polish off the food and I remove them. One went missing for over a day. Couldn't find it. Usually they'll knock one on the floor of the tank up front. I thought I misplaced it somewhere. Nothing.

clip 1.jpg