Year 4 on the Floor!
PIP the Honduran Redpoint
Purchase Length: 1 1/2 inches
Current Length: 4 inches
Age: 2+
Personality: Fiesty alpha female of clan
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 5/10 Less interactive than ever. Shares the 225 with 10 of her adult fry and rules. Maintains her breeding dress colors at all times and controlls the herd.
Aggression Level: 8.5/10
Tank occupation: HRP Hive Queen
Features: pretty blue cheek patches. Has 'electric blue' line on top fin and heavy black bars.
Favorite foods: pellets, blackworms
Fun fact: Her biggest son "Hulk" is her personal bodyguard. Not that she needs it.
Color: Black/silver banding with pink belly spangles and blue gill dots. Has dark color phase murky gray/black banding. Blue lip.
Speed: 10/10
Comments: She is undisputed boss despite being surrounded by sizeable offspring that are mostly male.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
SALT the Red Rainbow Cichlid
Purchase Length: 3 inches
Current Length: ~5 inches
Personality: tough, wild and independent
Age: 2+
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 6/10 Salt is less interactive in maturity.
Aggression Level: 8/10
Tank Occupation: Satellite
Features: Crimson red eyes that glow
Favorite foods: pellets, algae, blackworms
Fun fact: Can color shift to solid black.
Color: Deep burgundy/dark gold with black banding. Has dark color phase ruddy brown/black banding.
Speed: 10/10
Comments: Salt is tough and can hold his own with the nest of Hrps and Acara Jazz.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
BOSS the Blood Parrot
Purchase Length: ~5 inches
Current Length: 7+ ~8
Age: ~5 sibling to Kong
Personality: Very independent and curious. An observer and watches everything.
Intelligence/awareness: 10/10
Interactive: 5/10
Aggression Level: 8/10
Tank Occupation: Co-Boss and Enforcer
Features: Ball shaped. Massive, thick and deep bodied with virtually no tail stem.
Favorite foods: various pellets, blackworms, pretty much anything he can eat. Rolls over sideways to eat because he's so round.
Fun fact: Was the only parrot that 'greeted' me at purchase.
Color: Boss is the true 'blood' red color, looks day glo neon. Sometimes has a white beard or pink/red splotches.
Speed: 6.5/10 Boss has lost even more speed as his 'roundness' has increased. Can still motor when he has to.
Comments: My most independent fish is too 'cool for school'. He'll accept attention but doesn't need it. Will investigate any changes immediately. Prefers sheltered areas, dislikes wide open space. Boss isn't phased by anything be it noise, motion or shadows. He'll just stare at you.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
KONG the Blood Parrot
Purchase Length: 6 inches
Current Length: 8+ inches
Age: ~5 sibling to Boss
Personality: Hard core. Loves to keep busy. Always in aggressive mode with shark fins up. Kamikaze fighter. She checks you out when you get near her tank.
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 9/10 Kong has become even more interactive and playful recently. I can tap her on the nose.
Aggression Level: 9/10
Features: Muscular and wedge shaped profile 'top heavy'. Has a long snout she uses to scoop food. Stabs with her fang tooth up top.
Favorite foods: pellets, blackworms, pretty much anything she can eat.
Fun fact: Spooks at hats, coats and scarves.
Color: Deep bright orange, goes 'frosty' at times. Has a piebald/patchy color phase usually after laying eggs. May be hormone related.
Comments: More recently Kong is showing some interest in being hand fed, which is a surprise.
Hand Fed: not yet
Plays with toys: a lot
TANGO the Blood Parrot
Purchase Length: 5 inches
Current Length: 8+ inches
Age: 2+
Personality: Playful and quirky. Gets nervous at times but is very personable. Very responsive if he knows you. Can be skittish at times. Loves to peep under plants.
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 9/10
Aggression Level: 7/10 (aggressive only to other parrots.)
Features: Massive like Boss but with a more flat body shape, "Yuan Bao" coin. Has those big 'sleepy' eyes.
Favorite foods: pellets, krill.
Fun Fact: Swims upside down sometimes. Freaks out easily and will float sideways when upset.
Color: bright pink/orange mix
Surprising Fact: Gets bottom heavy at times and prone to quick weight gain.
Speed: 7.5/10
Comments: Tango is more relaxed since being moved to the fishroom. But for such a large parrot he's edgy, nervous and jumpy. Any sudden motion will send him banging off the walls and diving in the corners.
Hand Fed: a little
Plays with toys: sometimes
CASH the Synodontis Catfish
Purchase Length: 5 inches
Current Length: 9+ inches
Age: 4+?
Personality: playful, nocturnal
Intelligence/awareness: 7/10
Interactive: 5/10
Aggression Level: 3/10 since being moved to the 125 aggression has dropped dramatically. May be a combination of the hrp activity and the fact he's no longer with another syno.
Tank Occupation: Speed Bump
Features: Super tall featherfin with speckle spots and tail trailer
Color: Golden Tan
Speed: 7/10
Comments: The flashy, glam syno with super lacy fins.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
SPOT the Synodontis Catfish
Purchase Length: 5 inches
Current Length: 8 1/2 inches
Age: 4+?
Personality: somewhat playful, likes to root around. Nocturnal.
Intelligence/awareness: 6/10
Interactive: 4/10
Aggression Level: 3/10 Spot's aggression has also dropped with no other syno competition. He's in the 225.
Tank Occupation: Oscar punch toy
Features: Plain
Color: Chocolate brown with black spots. Shorter fins than Cash.
Speed: 7/10
Comments: Pretty ordinary looking syno, no distinctive features.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
BRICK the Oscar
Purchase Length: 2 inches
Current Length: ~15 inches, 3 1/2 inches wide at the head
Age: 4
Personality: Playful alpha. A bully, sweetheart, protector or terminator. Moody. Bulldozer. Will ram or plow through anything that blocks his way. Has two kills on his resume.
Intelligence/awareness: 10/10
Interactive: 10/10
Aggression Level: Depends on mood. 5/10 when mellow, 9/10 when pissed. More mellow now at times.
Tank Occupation: King
Features: Massive, tall bodied with a maw of a mouth.
Color: Various red morphs over time. Black/copper/spotted as a baby, then Firecracker Red, then Lava Red with black head, black speckles and white scales with speckles. White scales have turned orange giving him a uniform lava red/black speckle look.
Fun Fact: Doesn't eat or harass small tankmates. Ignores petty tank squabbles but breaks up fights when annoyed. The magic number is 6. Any fish smaller than that are safe! Brick is strong ASF and can move boulders or tip over heavy decor.
Speed: 7/10 In short bursts. Brick is surprisingly fast but he needs room to stop. He only does this as a 'warning' and breaks it off almost immediately. At his current size he rarely does much chasing but will open his mouth wide to intimidate.
Comments: Brick is remarkable and always entertaining.
Hand Fed: yes
Plays with toys: all the time
CORN the Gold Severum
Purchase Length: 3 inches
Current Length: ~9 inches
Age: ~3
Personality: Adaptable and clever, scopes out situations. Likes to watch. Has a short fuse at times with maturity.
Intelligence/awareness: 9.5/10
Interactive: 8.5/10
Aggression Level: 7/10
Tank Occupation: Boss of the 125
Features: Looks like a fat gold discus. Full bodied with a big beak and thick lips.
Favorite foods: pellets, blackworms, dried insects.
Fun fact: Makes a gunshot "pop" when eating. Hopeless photobomber and loves the camera. Likes caves and hides.
Color: Bright golden yellow with red face whorls and fin rays. Lower trailer is red also. White chin.
Speed: 7/10 can burst faster when pressed.
Hand Fed: no
Plays with toys: no
ROCKY the Blue Acara
Purchase Length: 1 1/2 inches
Current Length: ~7 inches
Personality: Energetic, alert and playful. Wild at times.
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 9/10
Age: 1 1/2
Aggression Level: varies from 6/10 to 8/10. In his new environment aggression is more variable.
Tank Occupation: Neutral Soldier
Features: A bulky male, Rocky has large finnage and is thick/squarish bodied.
Favorite foods: pellets, blackworms, dried insects.
Fun fact: Rocky is a different fish in the 125. Holds his own with the hrps and defers to severum Corn.
Color: Blue metallic 'frosty' foil scales, broad orange piping on top fin.
Speed: 8/10
Comments: Rocky will absolutely win you over with his playfulness, high attention span and energy. He's lost the excessive aggression since being separated from Jazz. Much calmer.
Hand Fed: yes
Plays with toys: no
JAZZ the Blue Acara
Purchase Length: 1 1/2 inches
Current Length: ~6 inches
Age: 1 1/2
Personality: Stubborn, independent and friendly. More reserved than Rocky.
Intelligence/awareness: 9/10
Interactive: 8/10
Aggression Level: 5/10-7/10 her aggression now varies from average to high based on situations.
Tank Occupation: Road Runner
Features: Jazz is more rounded then Rocky with smaller finnage. Thick bullet shape.
Favorite foods: pellets, blackworms, dried insects.
Fun fact: Jazz can shoal with almost any fish, CA or SA.
Color: Darker blue metallic foil scales with thinner orange piping on top fin.
Speed: 8/10
Comments: Like Rocky, Jazz has great attention span and energy. She gets spicy at times and is an extremely greedy eater.
Hand Fed: occasionally
Plays with toys: no
The Special mention section. Gone but never forgotten
Patch the BP
Bobo the Chocolate
Pepper the Gold Rainbow
Rex the Syno
Chip the green Severum
more on the way!